Systems engineering approach for midrange computer system development

중형컴퓨터시스템 개발의 시스템 공학적 접근

  • 박진원 (한국전자통신연구소, 시스템공학연구실) ;
  • 이준석 (한국전자통신연구소, 시스템공학연구실)
  • Published : 1995.12.01


Developing a midrange computer system in a country like Korea is a difficult task. It is because of the lack of computer related technologies, appropriate manpower and the sufficient domestic market. Thus, only a few country except the United States has succeeded in developing her own model of computer systems. Fortunately, Korea became one of them. In this paper, we will present some special features of TICOM and how we successfully developed our own model of a midrange computer system with respect to system engineering point of view. The Difficulties and suggestions from the experience of the development of TICOM will also be described.
