객체에 근거한 선호도 제약 중심 스케줄링 언어와 성능향상 기법

An object-based preference-driven scheduling language and techniques for improving its perforance

  • 발행 : 1995.08.01


For a complex scheduling system like time table construction, its optimal solution, if exists, is hard to obtain. In this paper, the scheduling environment is reasonably confined as where objects have their own events competing for better slots on boards, and objects have their own board slot preferences and belong to one or more classes of the society which globally constrains them. Here, two phase method is suggested, where the first phase is human-like preference driven and the second phase is for fine tuning by considering all the factors given. Designed and implemented in our system HI-SCHED are dynamic object switching, temporal-constraint-driven intelligent backtracking, case-based revisions, object-based approach, and so on. Some satisfaction degrees are also defined to measure the usefulness of our method. In addition, look-ahead dynamic object switching is considered, and additional global constraints are introduced and processed. A simple scheme is also used to verify the usefulness of the post processing scheme.



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