최소비용문제의 비정점 최적해에 대한 감도분석

Sensitivity Analysis on the Non-tree Solution of the Minimum Cost Flow Problem

  • 발행 : 1995.04.01


The purpose of this paper is to develop a method of the sensitivity analysis that can be applied to a non-tree solution of the minimum cost flow problem. First, we introduce two types of sensitivity analysis. A sensitivity analysis of Type 1a is the well known method applicable to a tree solution. However this method can not be applied to a non-tree solution. So we propose a sensitivity analysis of Type 2 that keeps solutions of upper bounds at upper bounds, those of lower bounds at lower bounds, and those of intermediate values at intermediate values. For the cost coefficient we present a method that the sensitivity analysis of Type 2 is solved by finding the shortest path. Besides we also show that the results of Type 2 and Type 1 are the same in a spanning tree solution. For the right-hand side constant or the capacity, the sensitivity analysis of Type 2 is solved by a simple calculation using arcs with intermediate values.



  1. OR(경영과학) 박순달
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  3. Network Flows Ravindra K. Ahuja;Thomas L. Magnanti;James B. Orlin
  4. Mathematics of Oper. Res. v.4 no.2 Theoretical Properties of the Network Simplex Method W.H.Cunningham
  5. Postoptimal Analyses, Parametric Programming, and Related Topics Tomas Gal
  6. Networks v.13 A Note on Arc Tolerances in Sparse Shortest Path and Network Flow Problems Dan Gusfield
  7. J. of the Korean OR/MS Society v.16 no.2 Shortest Path Problems : A Parametric Study In-soo Lee
  8. Network Programming Katta G. Murty
  9. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Sci v.1 G.L.Nemhauser;Kan
  10. Networks v.18 The Tolerance Approach to Sensitivity Analysis in Network Linear Programming N.Ravi;R.E.Wendell
  11. Networks v.10 Arc Tolerances in Shortest Path and Network Flow Problems D.R.Shier;Christoph Witzgall
  12. Information Processing Letters v.14 no.1 Sensitivity Analysis of Minimum Spanning Trees and Shortest Path Trees Robert Endre Tarjan
  13. Management Sci v.31 no.5 The Tolerance Approach to Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Programming Richard E. Wendell