• Shim, Sang-Chul (Department of Chemistry, The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Jeon, Young Hee (Department of Chemistry, The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Kim, DongWon (Department of Chemistry, The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Han, GyuSeok (Department of Chemistry, The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Yoo, Dong Jin (Department of Chemistry, The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • 발행 : 1995.03.01


INTRODUCTION : Psoralens are planar tricyclic furocoumarins present in numerous plants and fungi found throughout the world.' Naturally occurring and synthesized psoralen derivatives(see Figure 1) are photosensitizers of UVA especially from 320 nm to 400 nm, a range at which cellular nucleic acids and proteins are weakly absorbing if any at all. Because of their skinphotosensitizing properties, these compounds have been used in the photochemotherapy of psoriasis and vitiligo. However, undesirable side effects such as carcinoma development in hairless mice as well as possible liver damage from the use of 8-methoxypsoralen(8-MOP) have been reported. The other photobiological effects include inactivation of DNA viruses, killing and mutagenesis of bacteria, inhibition of tumor transmitting capacity of various cells, and hyperpigmentation on human and guinea pig skin. PUVA(psoralen+UVA) photochemotherapy is in fact thousands of years old, having been used in Egypt and India since B.C. 1200-2000. Photochemotherapy for a common disfiguring disease, vitiligo, was practiced in the ancient world by physicians and herbalists who used boiled extracts of the fruits of certain umbelliferous plants, e.g. Ammi majus Linnaeus in Egypt or the leguminous plants, Psoralea corylifolia L. in India. It was first described by Kuske in 19388 that photosensitization of skin by plants was related to the presence of psoralen. He identified natural psoralens in plants as photosensitizers and isolated bergapten(5methoxypsoralen) from the oil of bergamot. The scientific interest in photosensitizing psoralens, however, has grown considerably after the introduction into clinics of the psoralen photochemotherapy for the treatment of psoriasis and of other skin (abbreviation)



  1. Experientia v.18 The skinphotosensitizing furocoumarins Muasjo,L.;G.Rodighiero
  2. New Eng. J. Med v.291 Photochemotherapy of vitiligo. Use of orally administrated psoralens and a high-intensity long-wave ultraviolet light Parrish,J.A.;T.B.Fitzpartric;L.Tanenbaum;M.A.Pathak
  3. J. R. Egypt Med. Assoc v.31 A preliminary clinical report on the treatment of leukoderma with Ammi majus linn El mofty,A.M.
  4. Nature v.283 Possible hazards of photochemotherapy for psoriasis Bridges,B.A.;G.H.Strauss
  5. Photochem. Photobiol v.29 Photochemistry and photobiology of psoralens Song,P.S.;K.J.Tapley
  6. J. Bacteriol v.78 Lethal photosensitization of bacteria with 8-methozypsoralen to long wavelength ultraviolet radiation Oginsky,E.L.;G.S.Green;D.G.Grittish;W.L.Fowl
  7. Natl. Cancer Inst. Monogr v.66 Research and development of oral psoralen and longwave radiation photochemotherapy: 2000 B. C.-1982 A. D. Fitzpatric,T.B.;M.A.Pathak
  8. Arch. Dermatol. Syph v.178 Experimentelle ustersuchungen zur photosensibilisierung der haut durch pflanzeliche wirkstoffe: Ⅰ. Mitteilung, Lichtsensibilsierung durch Furocumarine als ursache verschiedener phytogener dermatosen Kuske,H.
  9. Furopyrans and Furopyrones v.23 The Chemistry of Heterocycli compound Mustata,A.
  10. Biochemistry v.2 The isolation and characterization of two phototoxic furociumarins (psoralens) from diseased celery Scheel,L.D.;V.B.Perone;R.L.larkin;R.E.Kupel
  11. Biochemistry v.16 Synthesis and characterization of new psoralen derivatives with superior photoreactivity with DNA and RNA Isaacs,S.T.;C.K.J.Shen;J.E.Hearst;H.Rapoport
  12. Photochem. Photobiol v.27 Coriandrin, a novel highly photoactive compound isolated from Coriandrum sativum Ceska,O.S.;K.Chaudary;P.Warrington;M.J.Aschwood-Smith;G.W.Bushnell;G.A.Poulton
  13. J. Photochem. Photobiol. A) Chem v.52 Mechanistic studies on the [2+2] photocycloaddition reaction of khellin Kang,H.E.;E.J.Shin;S.C.Shim
  14. J. Photochem v.37 Photophysical properties of some coumarin derivatives: 5,7-Dimethoxycoumarn, 4'.5'-dihydropsoralen, 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and 8-MOP-THD C₄-cycloadduct (THD=thymidine) Shim,S.C.;H.K.Kang;S.K.Park;E.J.Shin
  15. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc v.5 Isolation and physical properties of photochemical 8-methoxypsoralen-thymidine 4',5'-C₄-monoadducts Shim,S.C.;H.K.Kang
  16. Yonsei Medical J v.32 Study of the skin concentrations after administration of the various phototoxic durgs Park,Y.K.;S.K.Hann;M.Y.Cho;H.J.Kim;S.C.Shim;S.J.Choi;M.H.Yun
  17. Photochem. Photobiol v.50 Recent advances in psoralen phototoxicity mechanism Averbeck,D.
  18. J. Amer. Acad. Derm v.20 Successful treatment of the pruritus of human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with psoralens plus ultraviolet A therapy Gordin,J.M.;Lessana-Leibowich;P.Fortier;J.Leibowich;J.P.Escande
  19. New Engl. J. Med v.316 Treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma by extracorporeal photochemotherapy Edelson,R.;C.Berger;F.Gasparro;B.Jegasothy;P.Heald;B.Wintroub;E.Vonderheid;R.Knobler;K.Wolff;G.Plewig;G.Stingl;l.Laroche
  20. Ann. Rev. Biophys. Bioeng v.10 Psoralen phtotochemistry Hearst,J.E.
  21. Chem. Letters Photochemical study on the photochemotherapy. Ⅰ. Solvent effect on fluorescence spectrum of 8-mothoxypsoralen Sasaki,M.;T.Sakata;M.Sukigara
  22. Int. J. Quantum Chem.: Quantum Biology Symp v.2 Electronic structure and photoreactivity of the triplet states of skin-sensitizing psoralens Song,P.S.;C.A.Chen;I.Yamazaki;H.Babat
  23. Photochem. Photobiol v.14 Luminescence spectra and photocycloadditio of the excited coumarins to DNA bases Song,P.S.;M.L.Harter;T.A.Moore;W.C.Hemdon
  24. J. Am. Chem. Soc v.95 Excited states of skin-sensitizing coumarins and psoralens: Spectroscopic studies Mantulin,W.W.;P.S.Song
  25. Chem. Phys. Lett v.52 Proximity effect: The role of out-of-plane bending modes in radiationless transitions Wassam,W.A.Jr.;E.C.Lim
  26. J. Chem. Phys v.68 Proximity effect in radiationless transitions Wassam,W.A.Jr.;E.C.Lim
  27. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc v.8 Photophysical properies of khellin Shim,S.C.;H.K.Kang
  28. Photochem. Photobiol v.47 Photo-CIDNP as a tool for the study of the reactivity of photosensitizaing drugs: furocoumarin Marko,J.;G.Vermeersch;N.Febvay-Garot;A.Lablache-Combier;J.Moron;E.Bisagni
  29. Primary Processes in Biology and Medicine Photoreactions of furocoumarins(psoralens and angelicins) Dall'Acqua,F.;S.Caffieri;G.Rodighiero
  30. Psoralen DNA Photobiology v.Ⅱ Midden,W.R.
  31. Experientia v.21 Evidences of a photoreaction of the photosensitizing furocoumarins with DNA and with pyrimidine nucleosides and nucleotides Musajo,L.;G.Rodighiero;F.Dall'Acqua
  32. Ann. Rev. Biochem v.54 Psoralens as photoactive probes of nucleic acid structure and function: organic chemistry, photochemistry, and biochemistry Climino,G.P.;H.B.Gamper;S.T.Isaacs;J.E.Hearst
  33. Photomed. Photobiol v.10 Recent and selected aspects of furocoumarin photochemistry and photobiology Dall'Acaua,F.;S.Caffieri
  34. Photophysiology v.Ⅶ Musajo,L.;Grodighiero
  35. J. Ivest. Dermatol. Suppl The nature and molecular basis of cutaneous photosensitivity reactions to psoralens and coal tar Pathak,M.A.;P.C.Joshi
  36. Biochim. Biophys. Res. Commun v.798 Production of active oxygen species ($^1O_2 and O_2$) by psoralens and ultraviolet radiation (320-400nm) Joshi,P.C.;M.A.Pathak
  37. Biochim. Biophys. Res. Commun v.112 Production of singlet oxygen and superoxide anions by psoralens and their biological significance Joshi,P.C.;M.A.Pathak
  38. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol v.14 Skin photosensitizing agents and the role of reactive oxygen species in photoaging Carbonare,M.D.;M.A.Pathak
  39. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B:Biol v.8 Photosensitizing action of furocoumarins on membrane components and consequenti intracellular events Dall'Acqua,F.;P.Martelli
  40. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol v.9 Mechanisms of photodynamic effects of furocoumarins Patapenko,A.Ya
  41. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol v.6 Furocoumarin complexes: Effect of the aromatization of the pyrone ring on the intercalation geometry Cadet,J.;P.Vigny;W.R.Midden
  42. J. Biochim v.67 Chemical structure of psoralen-nucleic acid photoadducts Vigny,P.;F.Gaboriau;L.Voituriez;J.Cadet
  43. Photochem. Photobiol v.29 Photoconjugation of 8-methoxypsoralen with proteins Yoshikawa,K.;N.Mori;S.Sakakibara;N.Mizuno;P.S.Song
  44. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B:Biol v.2 Photoaddition of angelicin to linolenic acid methyl ester Caffieri,S.;A.Daga;D.Vedaldi;F.Dall'Acqua
  45. Q. Rev. Biophys v.17 The reaction of the psoralens with deoxyribonucleic acids Hearst,J.E.;S.T.Isaacs;D.Kanne;H.Rapoport,K.Straub
  46. Chem. Biol. Interact v.21 Investigation on the dark interaction between furocoumarins and DNA Dall'Acqua,F.;M.Terbojevich;S.Marciani;D.Vadaldi;M.Recher
  47. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B:Biol v.12 Phage nucleoprotein-psoralen interaction: Quantitative characterization of dark and photoreactions Ronto,G.;K.Toth;S.Gaspar;G.Csiki
  48. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B:Biol v.26 Bordin,F.;C.Marzano;C.Gatto;F.Carlassare;P.Rodighiero;F.Baccichetti
  49. Photochem. Photobiol v.27 Photoreactivation of RNA in UV-irradiated insect eggs (Smittia sp., chironomidae) Ⅱ. Evidence for the heterogenous light-dependent repair activities Song,P.S.;M.L.Harter;T.A.Moore;W.C.Herndon
  50. Photochem. Photobiol v.27 Triplet excited states of furocoumarin: Reaction with nucleic acid bases and amino acids Bensasson,R.V.;E.J.Land;C.Salet
  51. Photochem. Photobiol v.17 Photo-C₄-cycloaddition of psoralen and pyrimidine bases: Effect of oxygen and paramagnetic ions R.Bevilacqua;F.Bordin
  52. Science v.197 Psoralen-DNA photoreaction: controlled production of mono-and diadducts with nanosecond ultraviolet laser pulses Johnston,B.H.;A.H.Kung;C.B.Moore;J.E.Hearst
  53. Photochem. Photobiol v.52 Photoreaction of 4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen with adenosine Shim,S.C.;S.J.Choi
  54. Photochem. photobiol v.24 Spectroscopic properties and interactions of dimethoxycoumarin with DNA Ou,C.N.;P.S.Song;M.L.Harter;I.C.Felkner
  55. J. Naturforsch v.26b Phororeactivity (365nm) of some coumarins and 4',5'-dihydrocoumarins with nucleic acids Marciani,S.;F.Dall'Aqua;L.Guelfi;D.Vedaldi
  56. Photochem. photobiol v.21 Photochemistry of some furo (3,2-g)-coumarin and 2,3-dihydro (3,2-g)-coumarin derivatives Gervais,J.;F.C.De Schryver
  57. Photochem. Photobiol v.55 A novel photoadduct of 4.5', 8-trimethylpsoralen and adenosine Yun,M.H.;S.J.Choi;S.C.Shim
  58. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol v.2 New class of psoralen photoadducts to DNA components: Isolation and characterization of 8-MOP adducts to the osidic moiety of 2'-deoxyadenosine Cadet,J.;L.Voituriez;R.Nardin;A.Viari;P.Vigny
  59. Photochem. Photobiol v.46 Isolation and characterization of the photoadducts of 5, 7-dimethoxycoumarin and adenosine Cho,T.H.;H.K.Shim;S.C.Shim
  60. Photochem. Photobiol v.36 Photoinactivation of enzymes by linear and angular furocoumarins Veronese,F.M.;O.Schiavon;R.Bevilacqua;F.Bordin;G.Rodighiero
  61. Photochem. Photobiol v.43 Extensive crosslinking between subunits of oligomeric proteins induced by furocoumarins plus UV-A irradiation Schiavon,O.;F.M.Veronese
  62. Photochem. Photobiol v.34 The effect of psoralens and angelicins on proteins in the presence of UV-A irradiation Veronese,F.M.;O.Schiavon;R.Bevilacqua;F.Bordin;G.Rodighiero
  63. Photochem. Photobiol v.38 Photoaddition of 8-methoxypsoralen to E. coli DNA polymerase Ⅰ. Role of psoralen photoadducts in the photosensitized alteractions of Pol 1 enzymatic activities Granger,M.;C.Helene
  64. Photochem. Photobiol v.39 The modification of ribonuclease-A by near-ultraviolet irradiation in the presence of psoralen Schiavon,O.;R.Simonic;S.Ronchi;R.Bevilacqua;M.Veronese
  65. Photobiochem. Photobiophys v.9 Photochemical cosslinking of erythrocyte ghost proteins in the presence of 8-methoxy-and trimethylpsoralen Hornicek,F.J.;G.I.Malinin;W.B.Glew;U.Awert;J.V.Garcia;T.P.Nigra
  66. Psoralens: Past, Present and Future of Photoprotection and Other Biological Activities Kornhauser,A.;W.G.Warmer;L.A.Lambert;W.H.Koch
  67. Photochem. Photobiol v.45 Singlet oxygen generation by furocoumarins: Effect of DNA and liposomes Blan,Q.A.;L.I.Grossweiner
  68. Photomed. Photobiol v.2 Effect of UVA irradiation and 8-methozypsoralen on squalene peroxide formation Yoshino,K.;I.Tatsuo;H.Fujita;M.ohkido
  69. Photochem. Photobiol v.26 Photodynamic effects induced by furocoumarins on a membrane system: Comparison with hematoporphyrins Salet,C.;G.Moreno;F.Vinzens
  70. Stud. Biophys v.101 Photooxidation reaction of psoralens Patapenko,A.Ya.;V.L.Sukhorukov
  71. J. Invest. Dermatol v.90 Studies on the nature of in vitor and in vivo photosensitization reactions by psoralens and porphyrins Carraro,C.;M.A.Pathak
  72. Med Biol. Environ v.15 Photosensitizing furocoumarins: Comparative photoreactivity towards biomolecules Caffieri,S.;G.Tamborrino;F.Dall'Acqua
  73. Photomed. Photobiol v.10 Formation of photoadducts between unsaturated fatty acids and furocoumarins Caffieri,S.;G.Tamborrino;F.Dall'Acqua
  74. J Photochem. Photobiol. B:Biol v.7 Structure of a psoralen-linolenic acid methyl ester photocycloadduct Caffieri,S.;A.W.Leffber;F.Dall'Acqua;G.M.J.Beijersbergen Van Henegouwen
  75. Stud Biophys v.101 Photoreactions of furocoumarins with membrane constituents. Results with fatty acids and artificial bilayers Kittler,L.;G.Lober
  76. Stud. Biophys v.114 Interactions of furocoumarins with subunits of cell constituents: Photoreaction of fatty acids and aromatic amino acidstrimethylpsoralen (TMP) and 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) Kottler,L.;R.W.Midden;S.Y.Wang
  77. Photomed. Photobiol v.10 Spectroscopic studies in the C₄-photocycloadducts between psoralen and unsaturated fatty acid methl ester Caffieri,S.;A.Daga;D.Vedaldi;F.Dall'Acqua
  78. Photochem. Photobiol v.47 A new biological target of furocoumarins : Photochemical formation of covalent adducts with unsaturated fatty acids Specht,K.G.;I.Kittler;W.R.Midden
  79. J. Org. Chem v.54 Photocycloaddition of 4,5', 8-trimethylpsoralen and oleic acid methyl ester: Product structures and reaction mechanism Specht,K.G.;W.R.Midden;M.R.Chedekel
  80. Science v.193 Cross-linking of DNA in situ as a probe for chromatin structure Hanson,C.V.;C.K.J.Shen;J.E.Hearst
  81. J. Mol. Biol v.221 Computer modeling 16S ribosomal RNA Hubbard,J.M.;J.E.Hearst
  82. Ann. Rev. Biochem v.57 DNA repair enzymes Sancar,A.;G.B.Sancar
  83. J. Mol. Biol v.199 Interaction of Esherichia coli RNA polymerase with DNA in an elongation complex arrested at a specific psoralen crosslink site Shi,Y.B.;H.Gamper;B.V.Housten;J.E.Hearst
  84. J. Mol. Biol v.221 Studies on the interaction of T7 RNA polymerase with a DNA template containing a site-specifically placed psoralen cross-link Sastry,S.S.;J.E.Hearst
  85. Nucleic Acids Res v.19 Post-PCR sterilization: A method to control carryover contamination for the polymerase chain reaction Cimino,G.D.;K.C.Metchette;J.W.Tessman;J.E.Hearst;S.T.Isaacs
  86. Photochem. Photobiol v.57 The unusual UVA-dependent antiviral properties of the furoisocuomarin, coriandrin Hudson,J.B.;E.A.Graham;L.Harris;M.J.Ashwood-Smith