- Evolutionary Computation v.1 no.1 An overview of evolutionary algorithms for parameter optimization T.Baeck;H.P.Schwefel
- Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Genetic Algorithms Adaptive distributed routing using evolutionary fuzzy control B.Carse;T.C.Fogarty;A.Munro;L.J.Eshelman(ed.)
- Artificial Intelligence through Simulated Evolution D.B.Fogel
- Evolutionary Computation : Toward a New Philosophy of Machine Intelligence D.B.Fogel
- Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning D.E.Goldberg
- Communications of the ACM v.39 no.3 Genetic and evolutionary algorithms come of age D.E.Goldberg
- Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems J.H.Holland
- Genetic Programming : On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection J.R.Koza
- Evolutionary Computation v.1 no.1 Predictive models for the breeder genetic algorithm Ⅰ : Continuous parameter optimization H.Muehlenbein;D.Schlierkamp-Voosen
- Evolutionsstrategie : Optimierung Technischer Systeme nach Prinzipien der Biologischen Evolution I.Rechenberg
- Proc. Int. Workshop on Combinations of Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks Combinations of genetic algorithms and neural networks : A survey of the state of the art J.D.Schaffer;D.Whitley;L.J.Eshelman(et al.)
- IEEE Computer Genetic algorithms : a survey M.Srinivas;L.M.Patnaik
- Artificial Intelligence P.H.Winston
- Lernen durch Genetisch-Neuronale Evolution v.16 B.T.Zhang
- Complex Systems v.7 no.3 Evolving optimal neural networks using genetic algorithms with Occam's razor B.T.Zhang;H.Muehlenbein
- International Journal of Neural Systems v.5 no.1 Accelerated learning by active example selection B.T.Zhang
- Evolutionary Computation v.3 no.1 Balancing accuracy and parsimony in genetic programming B.T.Zhang;H.Muehlenbein
- Advances in Genetic Programming 2 Adaptive fitness functions for dynamic growing/pruning of program trees B.T.Zhang;H.Muehlenbein