찹쌀 및 쑥의 첨가함량을 달리한 쑥설기의 관능적 품질

A Study on the Sensory Quality of Ssooksulgis Added With Different Ratio of Glutinous Rice and Mugworts

  • 정현숙 (계명 전문대학 식품영양과)
  • 발행 : 1995.08.01


This study attempted to examine the sensory quality, color and moisture content of Ssooksulgis added with mugworts. In sensory quality, Ssooksulgis made by 100% rice flour added with 20% Mugworts showed the most favorite characteristics. In view of color, texture, after swallowing and overall quality, 10% Mugworts Ssooksulgis was preferable than those of other Ssooksulgis added 25% glutinous rice flour. Moisture contents was not different another reports. l-value on the control group which was not added mugworts was high, 86.78, 84.42 respectively.



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  4. 식품분석표 농촌진흥청
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  12. 한국영양식량학회지 v.14 no.2 쑥의 수용성 추출성분이 백서영양에 미치는 영향 김미혜;이성동;유총근
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  14. 동아시아식생활학회지 v.3 no.2 쑥을 첨가한 쑥설기의 관능적 품질 정현숙
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