This Paper aims to compare the lower marine terraces distributed from Muckho to Gangneung in the mid-eastern coast of Korean peninsula by the geomorphic method of using characteristies of terrace features and terrace deposits, paleosol, and fossil cryogenic structures, and to estimate the age of the lower marine terraces on the basis of the comparisons of those with the characteristics of thalassostatic terrace in adjacent rivers. The 1ower marine terraces in this area can be classified into two levels, i.e., lower marine terrace I and II surfaces, in desending order, according to the difference of former shoreline altitude. The former shoreline heights of the lowerm marine terrace I and II surfaces are 18m and 10m, respectiveiy. The width of the I surface is broader and distributed more continuousiy than that of II surface. Daejin I surface in Muckho coast, and Myeongju and Anin terrace in Gangneung coast could be classified into the lower marine terrace I surface, and Daejin II surfaCe into II surface. The Surface of ancient shore platform of the lower marine terrace I and II surfaces were weathered, and the color of the terrace deposit ranges from red to reddish brown. And this terrace deposit is covered with slope deposit of Last Glacial or fossil periglacial structures (platy structure and vecicle) of Last Glacial are formed in terrace deposit. These facts indicate that the lower marine terrace I and II surfaces had been formed before the Last Glacial, and then affected by chemical weathering under warm environment, finally followed by cold period. But the deposit of the lower marine terrace I surface is more weathered than that of II surface. And pseudogleyed red soil, which is developed in I but not in II surface, could be judged to have been formed in the Last Interglacial culmination stage (Oxygen isotope stage 5e). Therefore, in terms of the degree of weathering of the terrace deposit and the existence of pseudogleyed red soil, the age of both terrace is thought to be a little different. And the characteristics of the above mentioned II surface are accord with those of thalassostatic terrace formed in middle or late period of the Last Interglacial (5e or 5a). Thus on the basis of above all points, the lower marine terrace I and II surfaces in this area could be seen to have formed in the Last Interglacial culmination stage and middle or late period of the Last Interglacial, respectively. Because the lower mamine terrace I surface is broadry distributed in the eastern coast of Korea nPeninsula, the surface could be used to be a key surface in studying Quaternary marine terraces.
제4기 후기에 있어서도 지반의 지속적인 융기가 진행되고 있는 것으로 보이는 한국 의 동해안에 있어서는, 어느 한 간빙기 해성면의 동정이 이루어질 경우, 이 지형면을 시간기 준면으로 한 제4기 해성면 전체의 대비와 편년도 가능하다고 생각된다. 한국의 동해안에 있 어서 시간기준면으로 이용 될 수 있는 지형면은, 단구면과 퇴적물의 특징이 가장 잘 보존되 어 있을 것으로 보이는 최종간빙기의 해수면이라고 생각된다. 본고에서는 한반도의 중부 동 해안에 있어서 최종간빙기의 해수면을 확정하기 위한 작업의 일환으로, 단구면의 구정선고 도, 단구퇴적물의 특징, 그리고 고토양 및 화석 주빙하결빙구조 등을 지표로, 묵호-강릉해안 에 분포하는 저위해성단구의 대비와 상대편년을 시도하였다. 연구의 결과, 저위해성단구 I면 은 최종간빙기 극상기(산소 동위체 스테이지 5e), 그리고 II면은 최종간빙기의 중반(5c) 혹은 후기(5a)의 지형면으로 편년되었다. 이는 최종간빙기의 해성면을 I면 밖에 인정하지 않은 기 존의 연구결과와 다른 점으로서, 추후 이에 대한 상세한 검토가 요청된다. 저위해성단구 I면 과 II면의 구정선고도는 각각 18m, 10m이며, 이중에서도 저위해성단구 I면은 분포의 보편성 으로 보아 한국 동해안의 제4기 지사편집시 시간기준면으로서의 이용가치가 크다고 생각된 다.