시멘트공업이 지역에 미친 영향

The impact of cement industry on regional change

  • 신용철 (서원대학교 지리교육과) ;
  • 발행 : 1995.03.01


본 연구에서는 시멘트공업이 발달함에 따라 지역에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 알기 위하여 매포지역을 사례로 하여 종합적으로 고찰하였으며, 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같 다. 1) 연구지역은 1960년대에 세개의 시멘트공장이 건설되면서 노동자, 기술자들이 대량으 로 유입되어 폭발적인 인구증가를 나타냈으며 1970년대에는 시설확장으로 고용기회가 많이 늘어나 인구가 더욱 집중하게 되었다. 그러나 1980년대에는 오랜 경험과 기술 출적으로 인 한 각종 기계의 자동화와 대형화로 노동력이 대체되어 종업원의 수가 그 이전보다 줄어들고 인구 역시 감소되고 있다. 2) 시멘트공업이 발달하면서 시멘트공장이 입지한 곳과 그 인접 지역은 공장사택으로 인하여 비농가율이 높게 나타난다. 그리고 공장부지, 광상의 확대로 농 경지는 점점 감소되고 시멘트공업과 비교적 관계없는 농촌지역들은 농업적 토지이용이 크게 달라지지 않았다. 또 이 지역은 분진이 가장 심각한 공해문제를 야기한다.

This study aims to analyze the impact of cement industry on region change. For this study Maepo-Eub was selected as study area, where three cement factories are located. The data for analysis were obtained from interviews, questionaire surveys and the employee list of each cement factory. The analytic procedures for this study are as follows: 1) The change of regional employment was analyzed by development was industry in terms of the permanent address, education level, occupational status of the employee. 2) The degree of population growth are analyzed by developmental staae of the industry. Some conclusions from this study follows: 1) As these cement factories were built at Maepo in the 1960's, there were plenty of employment opportunities. Thus many technicians and workers flooded in Maepo-Eub. in the 1970's with the expansion of production facilities therewere much more immigrants to the industrial region, while there were outflow in the neighboring rural areas. In the 1980's the opportunity for the employment of cement factories have been decreased due to the introduction of the automation processes and larger, sized machines. Among the employee of three cement factories the native of Chungcheongbukdo (65%; in them Danyang 52%, Jecheon 32%) is dominant, the second is from Kangwon-do (13%), and the third is from Kyungsangbuk-do (11%) adjacent to Chungcheongbuk-do. It means that there are more employment opportunity in the near places of cement factories. 2) In the period of 1960's study area had experineed rapid social increase in population by the development of cement industry. That is, cement industries created new job opportunities and attracted large population concentration into this area. In the period of 1970's the population of the industrial region have increased continuously, while the population of neighboring rural areas have decreased. In the period of 1980's the population of Maepo decreased steadily because of decrease of labour forces through automation and commuting. Thus in the early stage of idustrial development large population concentrated in the neighboring villages of cement factories, and formed residential areas, commercial areas and service areas. As agricultural and was encroached, rural people left their regions to live in the more convenient suburbs. 3) People engaged in cement industry think that cement industry has a favorable influence on regional development, such as creating job opportunity, raising income level, developing business and service sector, and leading high economic growth. While farmers and some people think that cement industries as a pollution causing factories have a harmful influence on regional development, sucha as injuring the crops, causing environmental pollution, and being harmful to health. If pollution problems are solved, I think Maepo will play an important role as a regional center which can offer employment opportunity, business and service function to pheripheral rural areas, and raise a income level.



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