이탈리아 수자원의 당면문제와 새로운 보전방안

Problems of Water Resources with New Measures for Conservation in Italy

  • 조윤승 (신성 엔지 니 어 링 (주 ))
  • 발행 : 1995.09.01


Most countries have problems regarding the quantity and quality of their fresh water resources, and many countries are suffering from the e(feces of pollution of their inland and coastal waters. Italy is one of the country in which water supply is extremely uneven, and there are wide areas where it represents a real emergencies during periods of drought. All the watershed's water resources, however, are subjected to considerable anthropogenic pressure such as organic load with heavy metals. The high values of organic materials are accounted for mainly by runoff and percolation waste water from urban and agricultural land extensively ma- nured with effluents (rom livestock farming, while high concentration of heavy metals are found in watersheds of national and interregional significance. More than 35% of the underground water bearing strata of certain basins are already contaminated by pollution boih industrial and agricultural pollutants. In these connection, the problems and new measures of water resources in Italy are overviewed.
