$zeta$-null geodesic gradient vector fields on a lorentzian para-sasakian manifold

  • 발행 : 1995.02.01


A Lorentzian para-Sasakian manifold M$(\varphi, \zeta, \eta, g)$ (abr. LPS-manifold) has been defined and studied in [9] and [10]. On the other hand, para-Sasakian (abr. PS)-manifolds are special semi-cosympletic manifolds (in the sense of [2]), that is, they are endowed with an almost cosympletic 2-form $\Omega$ such that $d^{2\eta}\Omega = \psi(d^\omega$ denotes the cohomological operator [6]), where the 3-form $\psi$ is the associated Lefebvre form of $\Omega$ ([8]). If $\eta$ is exact, $\psi$ is a $d^{2\eta}$-exact form, the manifold M is called an exact Ps-manifold. Clearly, any LPS-manifold is endowed with a semi-cosymplectic structure (abr. SC-structure).
