A Studyon Implementation of TPBS (Transportation-planning Programming Budgeting System)

교통기획예산제도(TPBS) 도입방안에 관한 연구

  • 김종민 (교통개발연구원 책임연구원)
  • Published : 1995.02.01


The budget management in Korea is one-year budget system which is just following int he steps of last years budget plan. This system towards traditional item-by-item and restriction-centered budget system. The budget distribution without establishing and considering rational policy goals and directions have brought inefficient resource allocations. In order to promote the implementation of transportation planning, there are some alternatives like introduction of top-down planning system preparing for the provincial self-government era. In this study, the most efficient alternatives to promote the existing management system is referring by foreign countries transportation planning examples(BVWP system in Germany). First of all, mid-long term transportation and budget planning should be established and then make decisions of resource availability and allocation. In order to provide ration budget planning, introduction of Transportation Planning Programming Budget System(TPBS) has been judged as one of the method of unifying the sysematic transportation improvement planning and budgeting. All transporation planning and related activites can not be expressed in quantity and due to the limitation of excessive cost of analyzing transportation planning and ranking priority, here after, the continuous study to minimize the evaluation cost and introduction of TPBS should be done.



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