신경망 이론에 의한 링크 통행시간 예측모형의 개발

Development of a neural-based model for forecating link travel times

  • 박병규 (서울시정개발연구원 , 위촉연구원) ;
  • 노정현 (한양대 도시공학과) ;
  • 정하욱 (한양대 도시공학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.02.01


n this research neural -based model was developed to forecast link travel times , And it is also compared wiht other time series forecasting models such as Box-Jenkins model, Kalman filter model. These models are validated to evaluate the accuracy of models with real time series data gathered by the license plate method. Neural network's convergency and generalization were investigated by modifying learning rate, momentum term and the number of hidden layer units. Through this experiment, the optimum configuration of the nerual network architecture was determined. Optimumlearining rate, momentum term and the number of hidden layer units hsow 0.3, 0.5, 13 respectively. It may be applied to DRGS(dynamic route guidance system) with a minor modification. The methods are suggested at the condlusion of this paper, And there is no doubt that this neural -based model can be applied to many other itme series forecating problem such as populationforecasting vehicel volume forecasting et .



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