취업모의 심리적 안녕 -긍정적 정서와 생활 만족도를 중심으로-

Employed mothers' psychological well-being

  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate employed mothers' psychological well-being, focused on positive affect and life satisfaction. the subjects were 189 fulltime employed mothers who had preschool children living in Seoul. The major findings were as follows : 1) Marital satisfaction and job satisfaction of employed mothers were positively related to their positive affect and life satisfaction. 2) the amount of social support was not related to psychological well-being, But, the more satisfied with social support employed mothers have received, the more frequently they felt positive affect and the more satisfied with their lives. 3) The variables which explained the variances of positive affect dimension were marital satisfaction, job satisfaction and the age of employed mothers and the variables explaining the variances of life satisfaction dimension were marital satisfaction, the extent of husbands' sharing in child care and job satisfaction.
