The Experimental Studies on the Anti-Stress Effeces of Chungkansoyosan

청간소요산(淸肝逍遙散)의 항(抗)스트레스 효과(效果)에 대(對)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)

  • Kim Sung-Ho (Dept. of Oriental Medcine Neuropsychiatry Taejon University) ;
  • Lee Sang-Ryong (Dept. of Oriental Medcine Neuropsychiatry Taejon University)
  • 김성호 (대전대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과 교실) ;
  • 이상용 (대전대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과 교실)
  • Published : 1995.11.28


This study was aimed to evaluate the anti-stress effect of Chungkansoyosan on the rats stressed by immobilizaton. The experimintal animals were immobilized in stress box $(5cm{\times}5cm{\times}20cm)$ for 12 hours in a day during 3 days, and administered 90ng/100g Chungkansouosan extract for 15 days before stress. The epinephrine, dopamine contents in rat brain were measured by using HPLC method. The following results were obtained: 1. Total cholesterol contents of control group was $58.1{\pm}2.56mg/dl$, that of sample group was $61.6{\pm}3.70mg/dl$. This shows decreasing effect, but not significant. 2. Triglyceride contents of control group was $39.8{\pm}6.75mg/dl$ that of sample group was $27.7{\pm}4.23mg/dl$. This shows significant decrease in sample group comparing to control group. 3.Epinephrine contents of control group was $8.21{\pm}0.31ng/mg$ that of sample group was $6.33{\pm}1.02ng/mg$ this shows significant decrease in sample group comparing to control group. 4. Dopamine contents of control group was $2.45{\pm}0.23ng/mg$ that of sample group was $1.65{\pm}0.41ng/mg$ this shows decreasing effect, but not significant. 5. The quantity of muscle relaxation by Rota Rod was improved significantly by Chungkcansoyosan in immobilizaton-stressed rats. According to the above results, it is concluded that Chunkansoyosan will be useful as a preventive and remedy against stress disease.



  1. 東醫神經精神科學會紙 v.1 情動stressor(七情)가 五臟機能에 미치는 影響 李相龍
  2. 정신건강연구 v.3 스트레스와 精神神經內分泌學 楊秉煥
  3. 祛痰淸心湯의 스트레스 抑制效果에 關한 實驗的 硏究 張昌圭
  4. 丹蔘補血湯 加味丹蔘補血湯의 抗心理的스트레스 效果에 關한 實驗的 硏究 金斗煥
  5. 柴胡疏肝散의 抗스트레스 效果에 關한 實驗的 硏究 文流模
  6. 東醫神經精神科學會誌 v.3 no.1 溫膽湯과 四物安神湯 및 柴胡疏肝散이 肥滿 및 스트레스에 미치는 影響 李相龍
  7. 方藥合編解說 申載鏞
  8. 大田大學校論文集 v.6 no.2 스트레스에 관한 東西醫學的 考察 文流模
  9. 東西醫學 v.17 no.4 情緖(七情)와 스트레스의 關係에 관한 理論的 硏究 嚴賢燮
  10. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.4 no.2 stressor에 따른 身體生理反應에 대한 東醫學的 考察 宋點植
  11. 實用中醫內科學 方藥中(外)
  12. 中醫病因病機學 宋鷺泳
  13. 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙;崔達永
  14. 精神醫學辭典 李丙允
  15. 心理學 이수원(외)
  16. 최신임상정신의학 이근후(외)
  17. 精神醫學報 v.7 no.9 視床下部 호르몬과 神經傳達 物質 金相泰
  18. Cannon and the structure and functions of the autonomic nervous system ; In the stress by Tom Cox Cannon, W.B
  19. 臨床內分泌學 閔獻基
  20. 生物化學 生物化學硏究會(編)
  21. 生理學 김구자(外)
  22. 약리학 강의 이우주
  23. 생명의이치 中樞神經生理學 金佑謙
  24. 祛痰淸心湯의 抗스트레스 效果에 대한 實驗的 硏究 金基玉
  25. 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.9 歸脾溫膽湯의 抗스트레스 效果에 대한 實驗的 硏究 金斗煥
  26. 補血安神湯의 騷音 스트레스에 대한 實驗的 硏究 金永洙
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  29. 歸脾湯의 抗스트레스 效果에 대한 實驗的 硏究 文流模
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  33. 天王補心丹가 加減方의 抗스트레스 效果에 관한 實驗的 硏究 金知赫
  34. 스트레스의 科學 田中正敏
  35. 心理學槪論 홍대식(譯)
  36. 腦의 秘密 오오키고오스케
  37. 黃帝內經靈樞解釋 楊維傑
  38. 黃帝內經素問解釋 楊維傑
  39. 慶熙大學校論文集 v.13 木香順氣散의 抗스트레스 效果에 關한 實驗的 硏究 具炳壽
  40. 六鬱湯이 拘束스트레스 흰쥐의 胃潰湯 및 血中 catecholamine含量에 미치는 影響 趙英度
  41. 漢藥臨床應用 李尙仁(外)
  42. 本草學 李尙仁
  43. 拘束스트레스 흰쥐에 미치는 四物安神湯의 效能에 關한 硏究 權保亨
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