A Literature Study of the Teeth

치(齒)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

  • 곽익훈 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 윤철호 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 정지천 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Published : 1995.12.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the teeth and Zhang-Fu(臟腑), dental diseases, and the hygiene of the mouth through the literature of oriental medicine. First, the relatonship between the teeth and Zhang-Fu is reviewed as follows: The teeth are influenced by Shen(腎) because they are the end of bone and Biao(標) of Shen. Gingiva is related to Wei(胃) and Da-Chang(大腸) because it is passed by Yangming-Channel(陽明經). The growth and nutrition of teeth depends on Shen. The pathological condition of Shen causes the gingival atrophy, the loose of teeth, dedentition due to aging, withering of teeth, and tartar: whereas the pathological condition of Wei and Da-Chang causes toothache, gingivitis, inflamed gums, bad breath, and gingival hemorrhage. Second, the causes and therapies of dental diseases through the literature can be summarized as follows: The major causes of toothache are the pathogenic condition of wind-heat and wind-cold, the heat syndrome of Wei, the damp-heat of intestine, flaring-up of fire of deficiency type, rotten tooth, etc... The principal causes of dedentition and the shaking and loose of teeth are the deficiency of Shen, and the rest of causes are the damp-heat of Yangming. Gingival atrophy is caused by the deficiency of Shen, whereas the gingival hemorrhage comes from the factors in the pathogenic factor of wind-heat of Yangming-Channel, the heat syndrome of stomach, and the deficiency of Shen. The causes of grinding of teeth during sleeping are stomach-heat, and the delayed dentition and the withering result from the deficiency of Shen-Jing.(腎精) The principal therapies of toothache are removing wind and heat, clearing away heat and prompting diuresis, clearing away the stomach-heat, replenishing vital essence to tonify the Shen, relieving superficial syndrome by wind-cold, and alleviating pain by destroying parasites. For the prescription of the principal therapies, there are Xijio Dihuang Tang, Jiajian Ganlu Yin, Qufeng Wan, Qingwei San, Tiaowei Chenggi Tang Shengong Wan, Liangge San Qingwei Tang Yunu Jian, Liuwei Dihuang Wan Zuogui Yin Bawei Wan Wanshao Dan, Xixin San Badou Wan Gianghuo Fuzi Tang, Jiuzi Tang Badou Wan, etc... The therapies of dedentition and the shaking and loose of teeth are replenishing vital essence to tonify the Shen, and warming and recuperating the Shen-Yang: as the prescription, there are Liuwei Dihuang Wana Zuogui Yin, and Bawei Wan Anshen Wan Wanshao Dan Yougui Wan etc... The therapies of gingival hemorrhage are clearing away the stomach-heat, replenishing vital essence to tonify the Shen, warming and recuperating the Shen-Yang(腎陽), and moisturing and purging intence heat with the prescription of Tiaowei Chenggi Tang Xijiao Dihuang Tang, Liuwei Dihuang Wan Zuogui Yin, Bawei Wan Anshen Wan, and Yunu Jian. The therapy of gingival atrophy is replenishing vital essence to tonify the Shen in the prescription of Liuwei Wan Bawei Wan Ziyin Dabu Wan. The therapies of grinding of teeth during sleeping are clearing away the stomach-heat and purging intense heat, and invigorating the spleen through eliminating dampness in the prescription of Qingwei San, Wumei Wan, etc... The therapy of delaed dentition is replenishing vital essence to tonify the Shen with the prescription of Liuwei Wan Buyin Jian, etc... Third, clinical treatment reports of dental diseases are reviewed as follows: The toothache due to stomach-heat was treated by medical herbs like Gypsum, Natrir Sulfas, Rehmanniae, Schizonepetal Herba, Menthae Folium, Cimicifugae Rhizoma, and Scrophulariae Radix. The therapies of toothache due to flaring-up of fire in deficiency type from deficiency of Shen provided with replenishment of vital essence to tonify the Shen and clean ministerial fire, and the prescription was the kind of Liuwei Wan, which worked very well. The therapy of dedentition and loose of teeth due to deficiency of Shen was done to stablize the teeth as tonifing the Shen with the prescription of Guchi Wan. The rate of imrovement was over 90%. The destruction of periodontal tissue due to periodonititis was cured of dispelling wind, reducing heat, and alleviating pain, It was improved by taking Zizhi Xingiong Tang, Guchi Xiaotong San, Yunii Jian, and Qingwei San about 3-7 days, and the rate of improvement was over 80%. Fourth, the prevention and regimens are reviewed as follows: As a physical and breathing exercise of the teeth, tapping teeth which stimulates the circulation of Qi(氣) and Xue(血) had been used. The tapping time of 14, 17, 36, etc... has been reported, and it should be applied based on the body condition. The medical herbs for gargling and brushing teeth have been used. Specifically, Cimicifugae Rhizoma, Gypsum, Gypsum Fibrosum, and Indigo pulrelrata Lereis have been used to reduce heat, Coptidis Rhizama and Yang Jinggu to eliminate damp-heat, Amomi Semen, Cyperi Rhizoma, Flos Caryophylli, Asari Radix, Piperis Longi Fructus, Santali Albae Lignum, Meliae Fructus, Moschus, Aquillaiae Lignum, and Borneol to promote the circulation of Qi and to relieve pain, Ligustici Radix, Angelice Radix, Rhizoma Nardostachydis, Tribuli Semen to relieve superficial syndrome by means of diaphiresis, and Cnidii Rhizoma, Angelicae sinensis Radix, and Olibanum to promote blood circulation to stop pain.



  1. 齒周科學 김병옥(外)
  2. 口腔生理學 이종흔(外)
  3. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  4. 古今醫鑑(醫部全錄七冊) 공신
  5. 黃帝內經靈樞校注語譯 郭애春
  6. 中醫喉科學 黃東中醫學院(編)
  7. 中醫喉科學講義 廣州中醫學院(編)
  8. 中醫五官科學 廣州中醫學院(編)
  9. 諸病源候論校釋 南京中醫學院(編)
  10. 血證論 唐宗海
  11. 證治要訣(醫部全錄七冊) 戴思恭
  12. 中醫口腔科學槪要 鳳在安
  13. 口齒類要(醫部全錄七冊) 薛己
  14. 千金要方 孫思邈
  15. 仁齋直指方(欽定四庫全書醫家類12) 楊士瀛
  16. 醫方考 오곤
  17. 內經診斷學 吳國定(編)
  18. 外臺秘要 王燾(編)
  19. 六科證治準繩 王肯堂
  20. 明醫雜著(醫部全錄七冊) 王綸
  21. 醫學正傳 虞搏
  22. 難經校注 凌耀星(編)
  23. 東垣十種醫書 이고
  24. 本草綱目 李時珍
  25. 醫學入門 이정
  26. 四診抉微 林之翰
  27. 類證治裁 林佩琴
  28. 景岳全書 張介賓
  29. 醫學準繩六要(醫部全錄七冊) 張三錫
  30. 儒門事親 v.4;5;6 張從政
  31. 醫方類聚七十一券 浙江省中醫硏究所(編)
  32. 素問注釋匯綏 程士德
  33. 丁茶山小兒科秘方 丁茶山
  34. 浙江中醫雜誌 v.28 no.11 固齒消通散治療牙周炎 鄭現甫
  35. 醫貫 趙獻可
  36. 丹溪心法 朱震亨
  37. 幼幼集成 陳復正
  38. 外科正宗 陳實功
  39. 現代中醫耳鼻咽喉口齒科學 何宗德(外)
  40. 湖北中醫雜誌 v.13 no.3 牙痛飮齒牙痛 張道誠
  41. 中國中醫學雜誌 v.12 no.2 固齒丸合螺??素治療牙周病的臨床硏究 張擧之(外)
  42. 中醫雜誌 v.34 no.10 李凱
  43. 湖北中醫雜誌 v.13 no.1 自制辛芎湯治療牙周炎70例 殷登楷
  44. 협西中醫 v.15 no.6 南子房事後牙痛治驗 魏延成
  45. 江蘇中醫藥 v.24 no.6 溫陽利水法治療中老年牙周炎的經驗與體會 溫揚智
  46. 浙江中醫學報 v.18 no.4 齒牙痛驗方 蔣蓮琴
  47. 山東中醫學報 v.19 no.1 腎主骨理論的硏究進展 李志安
  48. 新中醫 v.26 no.1 頑固性?齒治驗 劉艾英
  49. 中醫雜誌 v.33 no.12 牙痛散治療智齒冠周炎112例 楊國禮
  50. 遙寧中醫雜志 v.20 no.12 淸胃散治療牙周炎49例 尹沂平