Applied Biological Chemistry
- Volume 38 Issue 2
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- Pages.168-173
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- 1995
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- 2468-0834(pISSN)
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- 2468-0842(eISSN)
Effects of Endosulfan on Cytochrome P-450 Enzymes in Mouse(Balb/c.)
Endosulfan이 흰쥐체내의 Cytochrome P-450 효소계에 미치는 영향
Kim, In-Seon
(Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Chonnam National University) ;
- Lee, Kang-Bong (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Chonnam National University) ;
Shim, Jae-Han
(Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Chonnam National University) ;
- Suh, Yong-Tack (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Chonnam National University)
- Published : 1995.04.29
To investigate the effects of endosulfan on cytochrome P-450 enzymes in mouse(Balb c.), endosulfan was given by an intraperitoneal dose of 7.5 mg/kg. The treatment of endosulfan increased the cytochrome P-450 content by 3.3 to 4.2 fold, cytochrome
Endosulfan이 흰쥐(Balb/c.) 체내의 cytochrome P-450 효소계에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위해 endosulfan을 7.5 mg/kg 수준으로 복강주사하였다. Endosulfan을 복강주사 처리하여 48시간 후 적출한 흰쥐의 간에서는 cytochrome P-450 함량이