- 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙;崔達永(編)
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- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 東洋醫學 v.10 no.1 三焦에 對한 生理學的 考察 金完熙;金廣中
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- 大韓韓方內科學會誌 v.15 no.1 莎芎散이 實驗動物의 止血,腦壓,血壓 및 心血管系에 미치는 影響 安日會(外)
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- 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.5 三和散이 利尿 및 腎損傷에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究 玄庸權
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- Ann. Rew. Biochem. v.36 Biochemical aspects of active transport Alber, R. W.
- Mol. Pharmacol. v.6 Inhibition of sodium-and-potassium-de-pendent adenosine triphosphatase Two modes of action Banerjee, S. P.;Dhanna, V. K,;Sen, A. K.
- Arch. Biochem. Biophys. v.95 Studies on sodium-potassium-ac-tivated adenosine triphosphatase. I.-Quan-titative in several tissues of the cat Bonting, S. L.;Silmmon, K. A.;Hawkins, N.M.
- J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. v.193 Effects of ethanol on neurotransmitter release by rat brain cortical slices Carmichael, F. J.;lsrael, Y.
Biochem. Pharmacol.
Inhibition of
$Na^+$ ,$K^+$ -ATPase- activated adenosine triphosphatare activity in rat brain luy substituted pterothiaginos Davis, P.W.;Brody, T.M. - J. Neurochem. v.9 Cholinergic and noncho-linergic nerve endings in brain I De-Robertis, E.;Pellegrino-De-Iraldi, A.;Rodriguez, De Lores Arnaiz, G.;Salganicoff, L.
- J. Physiol. v.156 Adenosine-triphatase activity and the active move-ments of alkali metal ions Dunham, B. T.;Glynn, L. M.
- J. Biol. Chem v.66 The color-imetric determenation of phosphorus Fiske, C. H.;SubbaRow, Y.
- Acta Biol. Med. Germ. v.32 Influence of membrane ofunctions on synthesis of acetylcoline in-creased by cholinomimetic drugs in slices of telencephalon of rats Fischer, H. D.;Von-Schwarzenfeld, I.;Oelsner, W.
- Fed. Proc. v.19 no.127(abst) The link between metabo-lism and active transport. of Na in red cell ghosts Hoffman, P.J.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta.
Antibodies to plgkidney(
$NA^+$ -$K^+$ )-ATPase inhibit the$NA^+$ pump in human red cells provided they have across to the inner surface of the cell membrane Jorgensen, P. L.;Hansen, O.;Glynn, I. M.;Carieres, J. D. - Nerve, Muscle, and SynaPse. Katz, B.
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- J. Biol. Chem. v.193 Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent Lowry, O. H.;Rosebrough, N. D.;Farr, A. L.;Randall, R. L.
- J. Physiol. v.215 The mechanism of acetylchofine release from nerve parasympathetic nerves Patan, W. D. M.;Vizi, E. S.;Zar, M. A.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.235 Membrane adenosine tri-phophatase as a participant in the active transport of sodium and potassium in the human erythrocyte Post, R. L.;Merritt, C. R.;Kinsolving, C. R.;Albright, C. D.
- A Wiley-lnterscience Pub Enzyme Klnetics Segel, I. H.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.244 A cycle for ouabain lnhibition of soddium-and-potassium-dependent adenosine triphosp-hatase Sen, A. K.;Tobln, T.;Post, R. L.
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Localization of
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$NA^+$ -$K^+$ ) activated enzyme system to transport of sodium and potassium across the cell membrane Skou, J. C. - Biochim. Biophys. Acta v.23 The influence of some cautions on an adenosine triphosphatase from peripheral nerves Skou, J. C.
- Pharmacol. Rew. v.27 the sodium-potassium-activated aden. osine triphosphatase: pharmacological, physiological and biochemical aspects Schwartz, A.;Lindenmayer, G. E.;Allen, J. C.
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Does stimulation of
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Release mecanism of acetyl-choline and role of
$NA^+$ -$K^+$ -activated ATPase. In: Cholinergic Mecanisms Vizi, E. S.;Waser, P. G.(ed) - Pol. J. Pharmacol. Pharm. v.29 Inhibitory effect of dopamine on acetylcholine release from caudate nucleus Vizi, E. S.;Ronai, A.;Harsing, L.Jr.;Knoll, J.
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Termination of transmitter release by stimulation of
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$NA^+$ ,$K^+$ -ATPase-activated adenosine triphosphatare as trigyer in trans mitter release Vizi, E. S. - Biophys. Res. Commun v.17 Cumula-tive feedback inhibition in the mutiple end product regulation of glutamine synthetase activity in Escherichia Coli Biochem Woolfolk, C. A.;Stadtam, E. R.