- 蜂毒療法과 蜂針療法 金文昊
- 毒性學 原理와 試驗方法 金良恒
- 奇蹟의 藥鍼療法(1) 金廷彦
- 新制養蜂學 崔承允
- 鍼灸學 崔容泰(外)
- 대한약전 제5개정 1,2부해설 한국약학대학협의회 약전분과회
- 毒性學 許仁會(外10人)
- 국립안전연구원예규 10호 醫藥品등의 毒性試驗 基準 국립보건안전연구원
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- 국립보건원예규제222호 一般毒性試驗에 관한 規定 국립보건원
- 국립보건원예규 제267호 特殊毒性試驗에 관한 規定 국립보건원
- 생물학적 제재기준 및 시험방법개정 發熱性 物質 試驗法 보건사회부
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- 醫藥品安全性 試驗管理 基準 解說書 보건사회부
- 대한한의학회지 v.13 no.1 蜂鍼毒 療法이 抗炎 鎭痛 및 解熱에 미치는 效能에 관한 實驗的 硏究 高炯均
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- 대한침구학회지 v.10 no.1 蜂鍼毒 療法이 抗痙攣에 미치는 影響 孔賢淑
- 경희한의대논문집 v.15 no.1 中脘 및 足三里의 蜂毒療法이 鎭痛 效果에 미치는 影響 李宗錫
- 養蜂 協會報 崔大鳳
- 中國醫學療法大全 麻仲學
- 中國鍼灸學 發展史 莊育民
- 實用 中醫辭典 朱文鋒
- 雲南中醫雜誌 v.5 張震
- 한글판 中西醫結合雜誌 v.4 蜂毒,蜂peptide 抗炎鎭痛,變凝原性 및 急性毒性의 比較 陳維辛(外)
- Chemistry and Pharmacology of Honey Bee Venom Barbara;Rudolf
- Venom of the Hymenoptera Tom Piek
- Scientific reports of the State University in Gorki v.14 Comparative study of the toxic action of bee venom Artemov, N.M.
- NAAS Proceedings v.4 The rapid separation of bee venom Components by high pressure liquid chromatography Blasik, M.;Belliveau, J.;Salem, S.;Vivaris, J.;O'Leary, G.
- Ann. Allergy v.43 no.2 Enzymes of bee venom, sac and whole body Bousquet, J.;Marty, J.P.;Clauses, C.;Michael, F.B.
- Ann. Allergy v.52 no.5 Toxic reactions induced by hymenoptera venom Bousquet, J.;Huchard, G.;Michel, F.B.
- JAMA v.231 no.11 Immunotheraphy in bee sting anaphylaxis Busse, W.W.
- NAAS Proceeding v.3 The therapelutic effectiveness of bee venom Doyle, L.
- J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. v.82 Methods for the study of irrition and toxicity of substances applied topically to the skin and mucous membrane Draize, J.H.;Woodard, G.;Calver, H.O.
- Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. v.127 no.3 Antibacterial action of melittin, a polyPeptide from bee venom Fennell, J.F.;Shipman, W.H.;Cole, L.J.
- Indian Pediatr v.25 no.8 Acute systemic toxic reactions caused by hornet stings Ghosh, K.;Singh, S.;Pereira, B.J.;Singhi, S.C.
- Lancet Lond Anaphylaxis from bee stings Goodman, N.W.
- Ergebn. Physiol. v.60 Biochemistry, pharma-cology and toxicology of substances contained in Hymenoptera poisons Haberman, E.
- Br. J. Pharmacol. v.50 Anti-inflammatory property of 401(MCD-peptide) a peptide from the venom of bee Hanson, J.M.;Morley, J.;Soria Herrera, C.
- Folk Medicine Jarvis, D.C.
- Nippon Acta Radiol v.29 no.12 Radioprotection by bee venom Kanno, I.
- Toxicon v.15 no.3 Effects of bee venom on the electrocardiogram and blood pressure Kaplinsky, E.
- Clin. Ailergy v.10 no.4 IgE antlbodies to bee venom as measured by a modification of the RAST method Kemeny, D.M.;Lessof, M.H.;Trull, A.K.
- Influence of the histamine control on skin testing v.47 no.1 Allergy Koller, D.Y.;Pirkre, c.;Jarisch, R.;Gotz, M.
- S.Afr.Med.J. v.66 no.8 Bee venom allergy Leaver, R.;Weinberg, E.G.
- J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. v.84 no.6 The Hymenoptera venom study. Ⅱ: Skin test results and safety of venom skin testing Lockey, R.F.;Turkeltaub, P.C.;Olive, C.A.;Baird-Warren, I.A.;Olive, E.S.;Bukantz. S.C.
- Oftalmol. v.3 Injury of the cornea by bee sting Mozherenkov, V.P.
- J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. v.77 no.5 A qualitative and quantitative analysis of proteins found in vespid venoms Mulfinger, L.M.(et al)
- J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. v.89 no.2 Immunotherapy with honeybee venom and yellow jacket venom is different regarding efficacy and safty Muller, U.;Helbling, A.;Berchtold, E.
- Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol v.68 no.4 Studies of chemically modified honeybee venom I. Bio chemical toxicologic and immunologic Characterization Muller, U.;Reisman, R.;Elliott, W.;Steger, R.;Walsh, S.;Wypych, J.;Arbesman, C.
- Acta Pharmacol. Toxicol. v.56 no.2 Hepatotoxicity of hornet's venom sac extract in isolated rat liver Neuman, M.G.(et al)
- OECD guidelines for testing of chemical
- Folia Med v.10 no.5 Action of the bee's poison on the central nervous system Peitehev, P.
- J. of Chromatography v.408 Characterization of bee venom and its main components by high performance liquid chro matography Rader, K.;Wildfeuer, A.;Wintersberger, F.;Bossinger, P.
- Rev. Bras. Biol. v.41 no.1 Factors influencing the toxicity and antigenicity of detoxifide Apis mellifera venom Rosario,N.A.(et al)
- Toxicon v.18 no.4 Comparative lethality of venoms from stinging hymenoptera Schmidt, J.O.(et al)
- Ann. Allergy v.47 no.2 Venom Skin Testing and alteration of RAST levels Schuller, D.Z.(et al)
- J. Allergy clin. Immunol v.69 no.4 Diagnosis of insect hypersensitivity Sobotka, A.K.
- NAAS Proceeding v.4 Separation of venom components by reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography Srickle, P.;Harman, A.
- Allergy v.47 no.3 Immediate adberse reaction to immunotheraphy in allergy Tamir, R.;Levy, I.;Duer, S.;Pick, A.I.
- The action of the bee stings in rheumatism and Gout of tlie Joints Terc, P.
- Oftal. zh. v.20 Eyeball injury caused by bee sting Tsvetkov, V.I.
- J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. v.73 Insect venom allergy:Diagnosis and treatment Valentine, M.D.
- J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol. v.59 no.13 Diagnosis of hymenoptera hypersensitive by skin testing with Hymenoptera venoms Zelenick, L.D.