임상약리학회지 (Journal of Korean Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics)
- 제3권1호
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- Pages.3-11
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- 1995
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- 1225-5467(pISSN)
새로운 Quinolone계 경구 항균제 Q-35의 제1상 임상시험-단회경구투여 및 Food-Interaction Study
Phase I Single Dose Elevation and Food Interaction Study of Q-35, a New Oral Quinolone Antimicrobial Agent
(서울대학교 의과대학 약리학교실,서울대학병원 임상약리실) ;
(서울대학교 의과대학 약리학교실,서울대학병원 임상약리실) ;
(서울대학교 의과대학 약리학교실,서울대학병원 임상약리실) ;
- 최강원 (서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
- 이명묵 (서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실) ;
- 김진규 (서울대학교 의과대학 임상병리학교실) ;
- 신상구 (서울대학교 의과대학 약리학교실,서울대학병원 임상약리실)
Yim, Dong-Seok
(Department of Pharmacology, Seoul Nat'l University, College of Medicine,Clinical Pharmacology Unit SNUH) ;
Jang, In-Jin
(Department of Pharmacology, Seoul Nat'l University, College of Medicine,Clinical Pharmacology Unit SNUH) ;
Lee, Kyung-Hun
(Department of Pharmacology, Seoul Nat'l University, College of Medicine,Clinical Pharmacology Unit SNUH) ;
- Choe, Kang-Won (Department of Internal medicine Seoul Nat'l University) ;
- Lee, Myung-Mook (Department of Internal medicine Seoul Nat'l University) ;
- Kim, Jin-Q (Department of Clinical Pathology, Seoul Nat'l University) ;
- Shin, Sang-Goo (Department of Pharmacology, Seoul Nat'l University, College of Medicine,Clinical Pharmacology Unit SNUH)
- 발행 : 1995.07.31
연구배경 : 새로운 fluoroquinolone계 항균제인 Q-35의 인체에서의 안전성과 약동학을 확인하기 위하여 건강인자원자 27명을 대상으로 제 1상 임상시험을 시행하였다. 연구방법 : 신체 검진과 혈액검사등으로 확인된 건강자원자 27명을 4개군으로 나누어 Q-35 50, 100, 200, 400mg을 순차적으로 낮은 용량군부터 단회 투여하였다. 약동학적 연구를 위해 혈액, 소변, 타액을 채취하였으며 안전성을 확인하기 위하여 실험시작 전, 중간 및 종료후에 활력징후를 포함한 신체검진, 혈액검사, ECG, 세극등 검사등을 시행하였다. 연구결과 : Q-35 단회투여와 연관된 부작용증상의 호소는 없었으며 각종 이학적 검진과 검사 등에서도 별다른 이상을 나타내는 경우는 없었다. Cmax는
Background : Phase I tolerance and pharmacokinetic studies of Q-35, a newly synthesized fluoroquinolone antibiotic. were performed in healthy male volunteers. Drug safety and pharmacokinetic profiles were evaluated after single oral administration. The effect of food on pharmacokinetics of Q-35 was also evaluated. Methods : Twenty seven young healthy male were randomly assigned to the dose,.escalation schedule after screening by physical and laboratoy examinations. After pilot evaluation of safety by 50mg single oral administration in three volunteers. the dosage was increased to 100, 200, 400mg for each group which was composed of 2 placebo and 6 Q-35 administered subjects. In addition to the pharmacokinetic evaluation. physical and laboratory examinaions including CBC, blood chemistry, urinalysis,. body sway test ECG, and slit lamp examination were performed to evaluate the safety of Q-35. Food interaction study was performed in 200mg administered group by crossover method. Results : No volunteers complained of any subjective symptoms related with Q-35 administration. Physical and labortory examinations did not show any significant changes after the drug administration except for some fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure which were supposed to be due to the circardian variations in comparison with those of placebo administered volunteers. Q-35 was rapidly absorbed and its peak plasma concentration increased linearly in dose dependent fashion. Cmax and AUCs ranged