Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing (한국보건간호학회지)
- Volume 9 Issue 2
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- Pages.52-68
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- 1995
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- 1226-0290(pISSN)
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- 2234-2869(eISSN)
The Effect of Individual Education for Hypertensives at Home on Knowledge of Hypertension, Attitude about Chronic Disease, Self-care Management And Blood Pressue.
개별접촉 교육이 고혈압 환자의 지식$\cdot$ 태도와 자기건강관리 이행 및 혈압 변화에 미치는 영향
- Kim Myung Soon (Dept. of Nursing, Kyungki Junior College) ;
Yang Young Hee
(Dept. of Nursing, College of Medicine Dankook University)
- Published : 1995.09.01
This is the quasi experimental study to evaluate the effect of individual health education for hypertensive patients at home on knowledge of hypertesnion, attitude about chronic disease, self-care management. The individual health education program was performed at each patient's home every one month through, 1 years. The first data collection was carried out in May 1991. and the last was done in July 1992 through questionaires. The study results were as follows; 1) The subjects were 22 hypertensive patients who agreed the participation of study among registered patients at a public health center in Incheon. They were consisted of thirteen males and nine females. And their duration of illness were average 5 years, their mean age were 65 years. The over all living conditions were poor and the average monthly income was 50 thousdand won. 2) The effect of individual health education through home visit was statistically significant. The Knowledge of hypertension (t= -4.40, p<.001), attitude about chronic disease (t=2.65, p<.05), self-care management of the subjects were significantly improved. (t=-3.76, p<.001), and their blood pressure were decreased. 3) Between the knowledge of hypertesnion and the attitude about chronic disease showed significant positive relationship. But the self-care management had not relationship with these two factors. unexpectedly. 4) The knowledge of hypertension, attitude about chronic disease, and self-care management had not evenly influenced the control of hypertension. These results suggested that the effort needed to find out the other factors influencing self-care management and develop the self-care management measuring tool. And the health education programs for chronic patients were developed, systematically. And the standardized health education model was developed for home health care nursing intervention in community based.