A Study on Analysis of the Main Factors Influencing Researchitivity in Principal Korean Manufacturing Industries

우리나라의 주요(主要) 제조산업분야(製造産業分野)에 있어서 연구생산성(硏究生産性)에의 영향분석모형(影響分析模型)

  • 권철신 (성균관대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 이재하 (생산기술연구원 산업정책연구센터)
  • Published : 1994.11.30


The main objective of this study is to develop a model which describe and explain R&D productivity (Researchitivity measured by patents) in Korea four manufacturing industries-electric & electronic, machine, textile, industrial chemicals-during the last ten years. The model largely focuses on the variables related to R&D investment in order to investigate the efficiency of R&D. The results suggest that there is associated with a significant positive correlation between Researchitivity and industrial size. There are interaction effects between the Researchitivity and the sales volume. Researchitivity is positively correlated with the average wage of R&D employees. It also founded that Researchitivity is more closely associated with investment size than industrial nature.



Supported by : 한국과학재단