현장상황을 고려한 회전현상 부품의 공정계획 시스템 구축과 운영에 관한 연구

A Study on Computer Aided Process Planning System for Rotational Parts Considering Shop Floor Status

  • 발행 : 1994.11.30


This thesis reports the development of a Computer-Aided Process Planning system for rotational parts. The developed system ultimately generates process plans for rotational parts through a knowledge-base. The knowledge-base and decision-making algorithms are represented by Pascal computer programming language. We have developed a process planning system which adjusts the sequence of processes by itself to ensure the quality of the parts. This system generates more detailed job sequence and descriptions than other well-known process planning systems. We present realistic and efficient process plans through the integration of process planning and scheduling. This system optimizes flow time of parts by decreasing the number of machine set-ups.
