Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단
The home environments, daily activities, caregiving behaviors of mothers and teachers, infant's verbal behaviors, attachment to mothers and teachers of day care infants were compared to those of home-reared infants. 30 two-year-old home-reared infants and their mothers were observed at home by the time sampling method and 31 two-year-old day care infants and their mothers and teachers were observed at home or at the center. The HOME scale, the behavioral checking lists for caregiving behaviors and for the infants' verbal behaviors, and the Attachment Q-set were used for the home and center observations. It was found that the characteristics of early environments of day care infants were different from those of home-reared infants, but that infants' attachment to the mothers were not different. However, day care infants' attachment security scores to their mothers were higher than to their teachers.
Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단