수자원문헌의 주제탐색과 인용탐색의 검색효율 비교 연구

Retrieval Effectiveness of Subject Descriptor and Citation Searching in the Water Resources Literature

  • 이명희 (성균관대학교 사서교육원)
  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


This study measured whether subject descriptor searching and citation searching retrieve different documents for conceptual queries and methodological queries in natural science, engineering and social science. The retrieval effectiveness of two search methods was measured using as criteria, total number of documents retrieved, total number of relevant documents, overlapping and unique documents and precision ratio. The search subject was water resources and the databases used were Selected Water Resources Abstracts (SWRA) and SCISEARCH. Data were collected for 21 doctoral students working on their dissertations in the three fields of water resources. Principal findings included: 1) subject searching and citation searching each retrieved substantially equal number of documents; 2) total number of relevant documents for conceptual queries was larger than that for methodological queries, while there was a large variation among the three fields; 3) the average overlap was quite small, while citation searching yielded more unique documents than subject searching; 4) for conceptual queries, citation searching yielded a higher precision ratio than subject searching, while subject searching obtained a slightly higher precision ratio than citation searching for methodological queries ; and 5) citation searching was effective for both specific queries and broad queries if seed articles are well chosen, while subject searching only worked well for broad queries. It was further found that: 1) citation searching is not a subsidiary but a substantial retrieval method in water resources; 2) SWRA is effective for queries for engineering and SCISEARCH is appropriate for queries for natural science, while neither SWRA nor SCISEARCH work well for queries for social science; and 3) characteristics of queries affect retrieval results more than the characteristics of documents or the coverage of databases.
