치아이동시 치근 흡수에 따른 치근항체의 역가 변화

Changes in the Titer of Tooth Root Antibodies Accompanying Root Resorption Associated with Orthodontic Tooth Movement

  • Park, Soo-Byung (Department of Dentistry, Graduate School, Pusan National University) ;
  • Son, Woo-Sung (Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Pusan National University)
  • 투고 : 1994.04.01
  • 발행 : 1994.06.30


치아이동시 발생되는 치근 흡수에 관련된 특이면역반응의 역할을 연구하기 위해 치근 흡수에 따른 치근항체의 역가 변화를 관찰하였다. 생후 2년된 성견 다섯마리를 실험동물로 사용하였다. closed coil spring을 사용하여 각 실험동물의 상악 6전치에 200-250gm의 함입력을 가하였으며, 하악 6전치를 발거하여 동종항원으로 사용하였다. 발거된 하악 전치의 상아질 부위를 분리하여 6M Guanidine-HCl-10% EDTA(pH 5.0)에서 해리시킨 다음 부유물 만을 투석하여 항원을 준비하였다. 치아를 함입시키기 전 1회 혈청을 채취하고 함입시키면서 매주 간격으로 11회 형철을 채취하였다. 실험 9주째 치근 흡수가 일어나고 있는 상악 6전치를 모두 발거하여 항원의 근원을 제거하였다. 혈청 내 치근항체의 역가는 ELISA(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)로 측정하였다. 항체 특이성에 대한 대조군으로 혈청과 치근 항원 그리고 혈청과 관련없는 박테리아 항원(Porphyro monas gingivalis 33277)을 섭씨 25도에서 3시간 반응시켜 모든 과정에서 항원-항체 반응을 측정하였다. 치근 흡수를 관찰하기 위하여 실험 전과 실험 후 한 달 간격으로 방사선 교합사진을 촬영하였고 9주째 발거한 치아의 치근단 부위를 입체현미경으로 관찰하였다. 치근항원에 대한 자가항원의 역가 변화를 측정하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 자가항체의 역가는 치아가 함입되면서 즉시 감소하였다가 1주후 다시 증가하였으며 4주째 최고수준에 도달한 다음 다시 지속적으로 감소하였다. 흡수 중인 치근을 발거한 직후 급격히 증가하는 양상을 보였다. 치근 항원과 반응시킨 혈청내에서는 항원-항체 반응이 거의 나타나지 않았으며 관련없는 박테리아 항원과 반응을 시킨 혈청에서는 활성도가 동종 치근 항원에 대한 자가항체의 활성도와 비슷하게 나타났다. 방사선 교합사진 상에서는 육안으로 구별할 수 있는 차이가 거의 없었으나 입체현미경하에서는 치근단 부위의 다양한 흡수 양상을 관찰할 수 있었다.

This study was designed to measure the changes in the titer of tooth root antibodies accompanying root resorption associated with orthodontic tooth movement in dogs to explore a role of the specific immune response in root resorption during orthodontic tooth movement. Five adult mongrel dogs, 2 years of age, were used in the study. Six lower incisors were extracted as sources of homologous antigen in the dogs. Tooth root antigen preparations were made from a 6M Guanidine-HCl-10% EDTA(pH5.0) extract of these root dentins. Root resorption was elicited by intrusion of six maxillary incisors with 200-250gm intrusive force. In 9th week, resorbing six maxillary anterior teeth were extracted. Serum samples were taken from each dog prior to intrusion and weekly for 11 consecutive weeks. Serum autoantibody titers were determined with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. As controls for antibody specificity, sera which were previously incubated with tooth root antigen as well as sera to an unrelated bacterial antigen (Porphyromonas gingivalis 33277) for 3 hours at 25 were measured in all runs. Root resorption was monitored monthly using occlusal radiographs. And then root resorption patterns were observed with a zoom stereo microscope (Model SZH-121, Olympus optical Co. Ltd.). Incisors did not show clear radiographic evidence of significant and progressive root resorption, but periodontal ligament space had widened. But root resorption was observed on the apical regions of the maxillary incisors with a zoom stereo microscope. Teeth showed the shallow depression generally accompanying deep resorption. These demonstrate a slight tendency for an immediate decrease followed by rebound to levels above the pre-treatment baseline. A peak titer of autoantibody to dentin antigen occurred on day 28, then steadily decreased during the 9th week period as the roots resorbed and then rapidly spiked in animals when the resorbing teeth were extracted. When sera is incubated with tooth root antigen, serum activity in the ELISA was almost absent. This is because serum activity in the ELISA could be removed by absorption of the serum with dog dentin antigen. Serum ELISA activity to the unrelated bacterial antigen remained essentially unchanged in all animals throughout the experimental period. When the time course of changes in autoantibody to homologous tooth root antigen prepatration and unrelated bacterial antigen was compared, no significant differences were found(${\alpha}=0.05$). In general, the overall pattern of changes in autoantibody was similar to the two antigens. These findings suggest the possibility that these immunologic changes precede a significant development of root resorption lesions rather than merely reflecting their presence. Therefore, this suggests that the changes of antibody levels may have some predictive value for root resorption.
