산욕부와 신생아의 가정간호 사례연구

A Case Study of Home Health Care for Postpartum Women and their Newborns

  • 발행 : 1994.05.20


Presently there is an increasing demand for home health care services due to changes in the demographic structure as a result of an increasing elderly population, socio-economic improvements, and changes in the family structure, as well as the growing number of people with degenerative diseases. In addition to these reasons, rising medical costs and there a shortage of patient beds space in the hospital, particularly since introduction of national medical insurance. There has been an increasing demand for health care health care services. This study was done to identify the basic data for home health care management. It focused on developing client selection criteria, assessment tools, and recording methods. This was accomplished by the researchers visiting the patients in their homes. The research process included preparation investigation, tool development, training of the project researcher, and visiting the clients in their homes. The research tools are as follows : 1. Record development : a) The selection criteria tool for home health care of postpartum women was a structured tool and consisted of four parts. b) The structured assessment tool consisted of a general items, obstetric history, past medical history, methods of feeding, medications taken before admission, laboratory test results, discharge instructions, discharge medications, family tree, economic status, environmental status, a map, health assessment of postpartum women and their newborns. c) The visit note I consisted of the frequency of visits. Visit note II consisted of the date ; nursing problems ; nursing process including the initial assessment ; nursing goal ; visit plan ; postpartum women and their neonate health status, diagnosis, goal, implementation, evaluation, summary, next plan, for visit revision. d) Problem note consisted of the date, problem numbers, nursing diagnosis, problem appearance date problem resolution date. The research results are as follows : 1. Nursing problems : The nursing problems of the postpartum women and their neonates were evaluated by the number of nursing diagnoses and the change in the pattern of nursing diagnosis related to the number of visits. a) Nursing diagnosis The nursing diagnosis was classified according to physical function, psychosocial function, family system maintained function. b) The changes of nursing diagnosis related to the number of visits. As the type of nursing diagnosis changed related to the number of visits the number of nursing diagnoses decreased. 2. Contents of home health care : The content was categorized according to assessment, direct care, counseling, education, family care, reporting to with the attending doctor. The recommendations based on the research results are as follows : 1. Tool development Replication of this study is needed to test the validity of the assessment tools used. 2. Home visit a) Home health care nurses should be licensed and qualified. A referral form from the attending doctor is needed for legal protection of nurses. b) The first home visit need to be within 24 hours of discharge from the hospital to decrease the anxiety of frightened postpartum women. c) When the changes occur in the newborn's status, home health care nurses should consult a pediatrician. Communication within the home healthcare team is essential and needs to consistent and done smoothly. 3. Home health care A Study is required to develop protocols for education of staff and for operation of all aspects of this program.
