중등 과학교사 양성 과정의 실태 분석

A Status Survey on the Preservice Education of Secondary Science Teachers

  • 발행 : 1994.08.30


The quality of science teachers is one of the most important factors to improve the science education in secondary schools. In this study the current status of preservice education of secondary science teachers was surveyed and the directions for the improvement were suggested as follows: 1. The purposes of departments of science education have to be partially revised to include other education programs related to science education than preservice training courses of science teachers. 2. Training courses of integrated science teacher should be organized differently from those of physics, chemistry, biology or earth science teachers because their requirements are different. 3. Strict standards of curricula for training science teacher have to be established and applied practically. 4. The curricula of departments of science education have to reflect the contents and the changes of secondary science education. 5. More credits to subjects on the science education, the nature of science, and the laboratory experiments should be taken in the preservice courses of science teachers. 6. Professors at the department of science education have to use various methods to teach inquiry lab and evaluation techniques so that students can experience them at the training courses. 7. The number of professors majoring in science education at the department of sciece education should be increased. 8. Enough research funds have to be supported to activate the researches in science education.
