Hematological and Serum Chemical Values in Pere David′s Deer and Wapiti

사불상 및 와피티 사슴의 혈액 및 혈청화학치

  • Published : 1994.06.01


The hematologic values and serum chemistry were examined healthy male 12 Pere David's Deer and 8 Wapiti at the Farmland Zoological Garden. In wapiti, the blood values collected from horn and jugular vein were compared. The results were as follows: 1. There were not any significant differences in hematologic values and serum chemistry of blood col. looted from horn and jugular vein in wapiti. 2. In Pere David's Deer, Mean$\pm$SD Values of White Blood Cell(WBC) count were 4673.50$\pm$1893.42/${mu}ell$, of Neutrophils 65.42$\pm$12.7%, of Lymphocytes 31.50$\pm$8.68%, of Monocytes 0.25$\pm$0.43%, of Eosinophils 0.17$\pm$0.37%. of Basophils, of Red Blood Cell(RBC) 9.93$\pm$1.38$\times$10/${mu}ell$, of PCV 54.25$\pm$6.25%, of Hb 16.89$\pm$2.43g/㎗, of Tot protein 7.63$\pm$0.6g/㎗, of Cholesterol 87.25$\pm$10.76mg/㎗, of Glucose 109.36$\pm$43.7mg/㎗, of SGOT 85.17$\pm$33IU/$\ell$, of SGPT 102.92$\pm$31.49IU/$\ell$, of BUN 21.00$\pm$5.18mg/㎗, of Creatinine 2.1$\pm$0.43mg/㎗, of ALKP 156$\pm$32.72IU/$\ell$, of Ca 11.28$\pm$1.04mg/㎗, of Na 127.92$\pm$10.04mmo1/$\ell$, of NH3 102.83$\pm$42.25mmo1/$\ell$, of Cl 105.91$\pm$3.45mmo1/$\ell$, respectively. 3. In wapiti, Mean$\pm$SD Values of White Blood Cell(WBC) count were 3450.00$\pm$1040.73/${mu}ell$, of Neutrophils 53.88$\pm$7.42%, of Lymphocytes 36.00$\pm$5.72%, of Monocytes 1.13$\pm$1.05%, of Eosinophils 1.38$\pm$1.93%, of Basophils 7.63$\pm$4.15%, of Red Blood Cell 10.09$\pm$1.3$\times$10/${mu}ell$, of PCV 46.88$\pm$3.33%, of H 15.09$\pm$1.48g/㎗, of Total protein 7.15$\pm$0.73g/㎗, of Cholesterol 78.63$\pm$12.27mg/㎗, of Glucose 75.63$\pm$33.22mg/㎗ , of SGOT 79.25$\pm$18.43IU/$\ell$, of SGPT 36.50$\pm$19.20IU/$\ell$, of BUN 29.63$\pm$4.15mg/㎗, of Creatinine 1.35$\pm$0.21mg/㎗ , of ALKP 283.50$\pm$88.13IU/$\ell$, of Ca 9.78$\pm$0.43mg/㎗ , of Na 120.00$\pm$10.02mmol/$\ell$, of NH3 261.50$\pm$ 103.46mmol/$\ell$, of Cl 92.00$\pm$9.19mmol/$\ell$, respectively.
