유휴 논토양을 이용한 Reed Canarygrass의 잠재생산성에 관한 연구 I. 예취빈도에 따른 무기태 질소의 시비가 Reed Canarygrass의건물수량에 미치는 영향

The Potential Herbage Production of Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L. ) using Uncultivated Rice Paddy. I The effect of mineral nitrogen fertilization according to cutting frequencies on dry matter yield on Reed canarygrass

  • 발행 : 1994.12.01


본 실험은 전차 확대대어 가는 유휴 논토양에 Reed canarygrass를 재배하였을 때 , 예취빈도와 무기태 질소시비가 건물수량에 미치는 영향을 조사하여, Reed canarygrass의 잠재생산성의 증대를 위한 경제적 이고도 합리적인 예취빈도와 지로시비수준을 추정하고자 하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 예취빈도에 EKfms 예취번초의 상대수량은 3회와 4회 예취구에서 2번초, 5회 예취구에서는 3번초에서 연간 건물수량의 43.1, 34.0 및 34.1%를 나타내어, 다른 예취번초에 의하여 가장 높은 상대수량을 기록하였다. 2. 모든 예취구에서 질소시비수준이 증가함에 따라 연간 건물수량이 증가하였으나, 무기태 질소는 예취빈도멸 30kg/ha으로 증시하였을 때 무질소시비구에 비해 3회 4회 5회 예취에서 각각2.7ton, 3.3ton 및 3.4ton/ha의 가장 큰 건물수량의 증가를 나타내었다.(p<0.05).4. 질소시비에 따른 전물생산효율(kg DM/kg N)은 3, 4회 및 5회 예취구의 30kg/ha 수준에서 2937kg, 27.2kg 및 22.8kg의 가장 높은 건물을 생산하였으나, 그 이상의 질소시비수준에서의 건물생산효율은 저하되었다. 전질소량(kg TN/kg N)에 있어서도 예취빈도별 30kg/ha(4회와 5회 예취구)와 60kg/ha 수준(3회 예취구)에서 각각 0.45kg, 0.48kg 및 0.46kg의 높은 전질소량을 나타내었으나 그 이상의 질소시비수준에서 전질소량은 저하되었다. 5, 경제적 시비수준의 범위는 3회 예취구에서 119.2~243.3kg/ha, 4회 예취구에서 253.4~295.4kg/ha 그리고 5회 예취구에서 302.2~361.2kg/ha의 범위였다. 6. 본 실험의 조건에서 논토양에서 재배되고 있는 Reed canarygrass의 잠재생산성을 최대한으로 발휘할 수 있는 예취빈도는 연간 3회로써, 질소이용효율이 높았고, 경제적 시비수준은 200~240kg/ha에서 15~16ton/ha정도의 경제적 한계수량을 얻었고, 400kg/ha 미만의 한계시비수준에서 17ton/ha의 최대건물수량을 얻을 수 있었다.

The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of fertilizing mineral nitrogen on dry matter yield of Reed canarygrass and also to estimate proper levels of fertilizing nitrogen when uncultivated rice paddy rapidly increased these days, was used for the production if Reed canarygrass. \ulcornerhe results are as follows. 1. Relative dry matter according to cutting frequency was appeared the highest at the 2nd cut for 3 and 4 cutting frequencies, and the 3rd cut for 5 cutting frequency. Those were 43.1, 34.0 and 34.1 % respectively. 2. When using only phosphrous and potassium, the average dry matter per year and ha was between 9.0 and 12.0 tons(3, 4 and 5 cutting frequency) and the highest dry matter was shown at 5 cutting frequency. 3. In accordance to the increase in the fertilization of nitorgen, the yield of dry matter was increased and, when 30 kg/ha/cut of mineral nitrogen was added, the biggest increase rate per added nitrogen for dry matter yield per year compared to that of no fe~tilization of nitrogen was recorded and it was 2.7, 3.3, and 3.4 tons/ ha for 3, 4 and 5 cutting frequencies respectively. 4. The efficiencies of mineral nitrogen on dry matter yield(DM kg/N kg) were the highest when 30kg nitrogen was applied particularly in 3, 4 and 5 cutting frequencies(29.7, 27.2, 22.8 DM kg/N kg). It recorded the highest of all the treatments. The efficiency was actually decreased in higher application of mineral nitrogen. The total nitrogen yield efficiency was the highest in 30kg(0.45kg and 0.48kg at 4 and 5 cutting frequency) and 60kg fertilization/ha/cut (0.46kg at 3 cuting frequency) and the decreased efficiencies appeared at fertilization of higher nitrogen. 5. Economical borden of mineral nitrogen fertilization were between 199.2 and 243.3kglha at 3 cutting frequency, between 253.4 and 295.9kg at 4 cutting frequency and between 302.2 and 361.3kg at 5 cutting frequency. 6. Under the condition of this experiment, the cutting frequency leading the potential production at maximum was 3 cutting frequency. At 3 cutting frequency, the efficiency of nitrogen utilization was higher and 15 or 16 tons of dry matter was obtained which is a level of economical border at fertilization between 200 and 240kglha. It wrs possible to obtain the maximal dry matter yield(l7 tonslha) at fertilization of lower level than 400kgl ha.
