On the Characteristic of Wind over Pusan Coastal Area, Korea

부산 연안역의 바람 특성에 관한 고찰

  • Jeon, Byung-Il (Department of Atmospheric Science, Busan National University) ;
  • Kim, Yoo-Keun (Department of Atmospheric Science, Busan National University) ;
  • Lee, Hwa-Un (Department of Atmospheric Science, Busan National University)
  • Published : 1994.03.01


We have Studied the characteristics of wind over Pusan coastal area in order to precisely predict surface wind having an important effect on oil spill fate using the data on surface observation of Pusan, Kimhae and Gadeogdo island which are collected during the 3 years from 1988 to 1990. We also investigated the correlation of the surface wind between Pusan, Kimhae and Gadeogdo island. In both Pusan areas and Kimhae, the land and sea breeze occurs during. the whole season except for winter. The occurrence frequency of land and sea breeze is significantly high from April to August. The correlation of surface wind between Pusan, Kimhae and Gadeogdo island surface wind is high in the daytime. The occurrence frequency of sea breeze in the Kimhae areas is higher than that in Pusan on the basis of the present criteria. For monthly occurrence, Pusan has the highest occurrence frequency of the sea breeze in August and Kimhae has in May.



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