초저속 전송을 위한 wavelet 변환기반의 동화상 압축기술

  • 김성환 (한국과학기술원 전산학과) ;
  • 이홍규 (한국과학기술원 전산학과)
  • 발행 : 1994.08.01


This paper presents a survey of video coding schemes which use wavelet transform for the videophone on very low bit rate commun ication chan nel( ego 10 Kbps Public Service Telephone Network). Firstly, we introduce the standardization efforts to make the low bit rate videophone architecture and the typical application of low bit rate video coding scheme. Secondly, we summarize the several requirements on videophone, delay, encoder/decoder complexity, low bitrate, and progressive transmission capability. Third, we review the basic theory of wavelet transform without much mathematics. We compare the wavelet transform with short-time fourier transform and subband filters. Fourth, we summarize the video coding schemes proposed so far, and evaluate them with Ule requirements. Lastly, we conclude with fu¬ture research directions.
