- Biometrika v.76 Latent Class Anaysis of Two-way Contingency Tables by Bayesian Methods Evans,M.;Gilula,Z.;Guttman,I.
- Annals of Statistics v.19 Chaining via Annealing Evans,M.
- American Mathematical Society Contemporary Mathematics Adaptive Importance Sampling and Chaining Evans,M.;N.Flournoy(eds.);R.Tsutakawa(eds.)
- Finite Mixture Distributions Everitt,B.S.;Hand,D.J.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.85 Sampling Based Approaches to Calculating Marginal Densities Gelfand,A.;Smith,A.F.M.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.87 Bayesian Anaysis of Constrained Parameter and Truncated Data Problems Using Gibbs Sampling Gelfand,A.;Smith,A.F.M.;Lee,T.M.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.85 Illustration of Bayesian Inference in Normal Data Models Using Gibbs Sampling Gelfand,A.;Hills,S.;Racine-Poon,A.;Smith,A.F.M.
- IEEE Transactionson Pattern Analysis and Machine Inteligence v.6 Stochastic Relaxation, Gibbs Distributions and Bayesian Restoration of Images Geman,S.;Geman,D.
- Journal of Econometrics v.38 Antithetic Acceleration of Monte Carlo Integration in Bayesian Inference Geweke,J.
- Econometrica v.46 Bayesian Inference in Econometric Models Using Monte Carlo Integration Geweke,J.
- Applied Statistics v.31 Application of a Method for the Efficient Computation of Posterior Distributions Naylor,J.C.;Smith,A.F.M.
- Journal of Econometrics v.38 Econometric Illustrations of Novel Numerical Integration Strategies for Bayesian Inference Naylor,J.C.;Smith,A.F.M.
- Journal of Statistical Computing and Simulation v.41 Adaptive Importance Smapling in Monte Carlo Integration Oh,M.S.;Berger,J.O.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.88 Integration of Multimodal Functions by Monte Carlo Importance Function Oh,M.S.;Berger,J.O.
- Communications in Statistics - Theory and Method v.14 The Implementation of the Bayesian Paradigm Smith,A.F.M.;Sken,A.M.;Shaw,J.E.H.;Naylor,J.C.;Dransfield,M.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.82 The Calculation of Posterior Distributions by Data Augmentation Tanner,M.;Wong,W.
- Statistical Analysis of Finite Mixture Distributions Titterlington,D.M.;Smith,A.F.M.;Makov,U.E.
- Tech Report 90-A10 Bayesian Computation: Monte Carlo Density Estimation West,M.
- Journal of Econometrics v.29 Posterior Moments Computed by Mixed Integration van Dijk,H.K.;Klock,T.;Boender,C.G.E.