집단축차검정법들에 관한 고찰

An Overview of Group Sequential Procedures

  • Jae Won Lee (Department of Statistics, Korea University, Anamdong 5-1, Sungbukku, Seoul 136-701, Korea)
  • 발행 : 1994.09.01


윤리적 또는 경제적 이유 때문에 임상실험(Clinical Trials)의 연구자들은 실험중간에 새로운 치료방법이나 약이 효과가 있는지 또는 해로운지를 반복해서 검정한다. 하지만 각 검정마다 정해진 유의수준을 반복해서 사용하면 전체 유의수준이 상당히 커지게 된다. 임상실험에서 발생하는 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위하여 많은 집단측정검정법 (Group Sequential Testing Procedure)들이 개발되어 왔다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 집단측정검정법들을 간략하게 비교분석하고자 한다.

For ethical and economic reasons, clinicla trials must be repeatedly monitored for evidence of treatment benefit or harm. Repeated testing at conventional critical values can substantially inflate the overal type I error rate. To maintain acceptable levels, group sequential procedures have been developed for clinical trials. This article gives a brief overview of the group sequential procedures.



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  14. Controlled Clinical Trials v.5 Designs for group sequential tests Fleming,T.R.;Harrington,D.P.;O'Brien,P.C.
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  24. Biometrics v.38 Random-effects models for longitudinal data Laird,N.M.;Ware,J.H.
  25. Biometrika v.70 Discrete sequential boundaries for clinical trials Lan,K.K.G.;DeMets,D.L.
  26. Communications in Statistics, C (Sequential Analysis) v.1 Stochastically curtailed tests in long-term clinical trials Lan,K.K.G.;Simon,R.;Halperin,M.
  27. Statistics in Medicine v.13 Group sequential testing in clinical trials with multivarite observations: A review Lee,J.W.
  28. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.86 Sequential comparison of changes with repeated measurements data Lee,J.W.;DeMets,D.L.
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  30. Biometrics Group sequential comparison of changes: ad-hoc vs. more exact method Lee,J.W.;DeMets,D.L.
  31. Technical Report 59 Rank tests for multivariate linear models in the presence of missing data Lee,J.W.;Reboussin,D.M.;DeMets,D.L.
  32. Biometrika v.73 Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models Liang,K.Y.;Zeger,S.L.
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  34. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. A v.134 Repeated significance tests on accumulating data when the null hypothesis is not true McPherson,C.K.;Armitage,P.
  35. Biometrics v.35 A multiple testing procedure for clinical trials O'Brien,P.C.;Fleming,T.R.
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  37. Biometrics v.38 Interim analyses for randomized clinical trials: The group sequential approach Pocock,S.J.
  38. Biometrics v.48 Effects of assumption violations on type Ⅰ error rate in group sequential monitoring Proschan,M.A.;Follmann,D.A.;Waclawiw,M.A.
  39. Nonparametric methods in multivariate analysis Puri,M.L.;Sen,P.K.
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  41. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.77 Two-sample repeated significance tests based on the modified Wilcoxon statistic Slud,E.V.;Wei,L.J.
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  44. Biometrics v.48 Group sequential distribution-free methods for the analysis of multivariate observations Su,J.Q.;Lachin,J.M.
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  47. The American Statistician v.39 Linear models for the analysis of longitudinal studies Ware,J.H.
  48. Biometrika v.72 Combining dependent tests with incomplete repeated measurements Wei,L.J.;Johnson,W.E.
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  50. Biometrics v.48 Sequential monitoring for comparison of changes in a response variable in clinical studies Wu,M.C.;Lan,K.K.G.
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