중도 절단 자료에서의 역추정 문제

On the calibration problem with censored data

  • 박래현 ((305-764) 대전시 유성구 궁동 220 충남대학교 통계학과) ;
  • 이석훈 ((305-764) 대전시 유성구 궁동 220 충남대학교 통계학과) ;
  • 이낙영 ((305-764) 대전시 유성구 궁동 220 충남대학교 통계학과) ;
  • 박영옥 ((305-764) 대전시 유성구 궁동 220 충남대학교 통계학과) ;
  • 이상호 ((305-764) 대전시 유성구 궁동 220 충남대학교 통계학과)
  • 발행 : 1994.02.01


본 논문은 종속변수가 중도 절단된 경우 역추정을 베이지안 방법으로 접근하였는데 이때 특별히 Gibbs Sampling을 응용하여 사후분포를 계산하는 것을 토의하였다. 적용의 예로서 실제 자료에서의 점추정 및 Simulated Annealing을 이용한 구간추정도 하였다.

This article basically considers the calibration problem with censored data from the Bayesian point of view. The Gibbs sampling method is discussed to solve the difficulty encountered in computing the posterior distribution. Also presented is an approach for impementing the Gibbs sampling in actual data situation with the estimation procedures.



  1. Journal of the Royal Statistical society B v.44 Multivariate calibration(with discussion) Brown,P.J.
  2. Biometrika v.66 Linear regression with censored data Buckley,J.;James,I.
  3. Biometrika v.24 The distribution of the index in a normal bivariate population Fieller,E.C.
  4. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.90 Illustration of Bayesian inference in normal data models using Gibbs Sampling Gelfand,A.E.;Hills,S.I.;Racine-Poon,A.;Smith,A.F.M.
  5. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.85 Sampling based approaches to calculating marginal densities Gelfand,A.E.;Smith,A.F.M.
  6. IEEE Transations on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence v.6 Stochastic relaxation, Gibbs distributions and the Bayesian restoration of images Geman,S.;Geman,D.
  7. Technometrics v.23 Comment on paper by Hunter and Lamboy Hill,B.M.
  8. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.65 A Bayesian look at inverse regression Hoadley,G.
  9. Technometrics v.23 A Bayesian analysis of the linear calibration problem(with discussion) Hunter,W.G.;Lamoy,W.F.
  10. Journal of the Royal Statistical society, C v.29 A note on the problem of statistical calibration Lwin,T.;Maritz,J.S.
  11. Biometrika v.63 Least squares regression with censored data Miller,R.G.
  12. Applied Statistics v.31 Application of a method for the efficient computation of posterior distributions Naylor,J.C.;Smith,A.F.M.
  13. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society v.19 A Bayesian analysis in multivariate bioassay and multivariate calibration Park,N.H.;Lee,S.H.
  14. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.82 Comment on paper by Tanner and Wong Rubin,D.
  15. Technometrics v.21 A simple method for regression analysis with censored data Schmee,J.;Hahn,G.J.
  16. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.82 The calculation of posterior distributions by data augmentation(with discussion) Tanner,M.A.;Wong,W.H.
  17. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.81 Accurate approximations for posterior moments and marginal densities Tierney,L.;Kadane,J.B.
  18. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.85 Posterior computations for censored regression data Wei, G.C.G.;Tanner,M.A.
  19. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.86 Generalized linear models with random effects ; A Gibbs sampling approach Zeger,S.L.;Karim,M.R.