In vitro bioassay for allelopathic substances of Sorghum ( Sorghumbicolor L.)

수수로부터 allelopathy성 물질의 기내선별

  • Published : 1994.11.01


These experiments were conducted to determine the effects of Sorghum allelopathic substances on the callus growh of several weeds and crops. 1. When substances extracted from allelopathic Sorghum(Sorghum bicolor L.) were treated on medium, growth of callus of several weeds and crops were in-hibited. The degree of inhibition differed depending on the genotypes, ranging from 50 to 90% com-pared with that of control. 2. The extracts of above 5% Sorghum inhibited the callus growth of Che-nopodium albun L., Commelina communis L., and .Ammaranthus retroflexus L.and showed in-hibition rate of above 70% in callus growth. These results indicate that we could investigate theallelopaihy effect by using in vitro system. 3. The suitable explant for callus induction fromallelopathic plants was immature embryos, the callus induction rate differed depending on the geno-type, growth regulators and concentrations. In general, the addition of 2, 4-D and NAA onto medium increased the rate and amount of callus.



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