Studies on the Toxicity of Insect Growth Regulators against the fall Webworm (Hyphantria cunea Drury) and the Rice stem Borer (Chilo suppressalis Walker) I. comparisons of Insecticidal Activities against Various Instar Stages

미국흰불나방과 이화명나방에 관한 곤충 발육 저해제의 독성연구 I. 령기별 살충력 효과 비교

  • 이인환 (충북대학교 농생물학과) ;
  • 이형래 (충북대학교 농생물학과) ;
  • 김정화 (충북대학교 농생물학과)
  • Published : 1994.06.01


The experiments were canied out to investigate the toxicological characteristics of Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) such as chlorfluazuron, diflubenzuron, pyriproxyfen and tebufenozide against the various stages of instars of fall webwom (Hyphantrio cuneo Dmy) and nce stem borer (Chiio suppressaiis Walker). In fall webwom, the tolerance ratio m) with the 2nd-6th instars, as cornpared with LCso of the 1st instar, ranged 107-358, 1.13-6.06, 1.02-3.23 and 1.05- 6.64, respectively. In the rice stern borer, the TR of the 3rd instar, as compared with LCso of the 1st instar, to chlorfluazuron, diflubenzuron, pyriproxyfen and tebufenoz~de were 2.86, 260, 19.80 and 15.30, respectively.

본 실험은 미국흰불나방 (Hyphantria cunea Drury)과 이화명나방 (Chilo suppressalis Walker)에 대한 chlorflyazuron, diflubenzuron, pyiproxyfen 과 tebufenozide 와 같은 IGRs의 독성효과를 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 미국흰불나방에서, 1령충의 {{{{ { LC}_{50 } }}}}치 (ppm)기준 2령충~5령충의 내성비 범위는 chlorflua-zuron, diflubenzur on, pyriproxyfen과 tebufenozide에서 각각 1.07~3.58, 1.13~6.06, 1.02~3.23, 1.05~6.64이었다. 이화명나방에서, 1령충에 대한 3령충의{{{{ { LC}_{50 } }}}}치 (p pm)의 내성비는 chlorflua-zuron, diflubenzuron, pyriproxyfen과 tebufenozide에서 각각 2.86, 2.60, 19.80, 15.30이었다.
