Urea Application on Tobacco Stumps for the Control of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Infection

담배 잔근의 요소처리에 의한 담배 모자이크 바이러스 방제

  • Published : 1994.12.01


Tobacco stalks were cut and removed from the field after harvest, and urea was treated by placing it on the cutting portions of the remaining tobacco stumps. Relative virus infectivity of the root residue(compared to the fresh root residue infected with TMV) was reduced to 14.6% in December, 1993(before overwintering) and to 8.5% in March, 1994 just before transplanting, indicating that the TMV infectivity decreased remarkably, but was preserved still in the root residue in the field soil. There was no significant difference in infectivity of remaining root tissue between the treated and untreated root residue. However, as roots with urea treatment had been extensively decayed, only about one - fifth of the initial root volume remained after overwintering. TMV occurred less (by one - third) in the urea treatment than in the control, suggesting that urea treatment effectively provented tobacco from TMV infection by reducing the inoculum potential.
