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- Helv. Chim. Acta v.31 Uber allin die geniune muttersubstanzdes knoblauch Ols Stoll,A.;Seebeck,E.
- Phytochemistry v.4 Studies on organic sulphur compounds and other labile substance in plants Virtanen,A.I.
- Agric. Food Chem. v.19 Brondnitz,M.H.;Pascale,J.V.
- Atherosclerosis v.21 Effect of the essential oils of garlic and onion on alimentary hyperlipidemia Bordia,A.;Bansal,H.C.
- J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.108 Antithrombotic organosulfur compounds from garlic Block,E.;Ahmad,S.;Catalfamo,J.L.;Jain,M.K.;Costro,R.A.
- Ann. Chim. Ser. v.52 Memoire sur la fementation appelle lactigue Pasteur,L.
- J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.66 Allicin, the antibacterial principles of Allium sativan 1 Cavallito,C.J.;Bailey,J.H.
- Korean Biochem. J. v.18 Effect of garlic on the hepatic xanthin oxidase activity in rats Huh,K.;Lee,S.I.;Park,J.M.
- Planta Medica v.52 Antihepatotoxic actions of Alliium sativum bulbs Hikino,H.;Tohkin,M.;Bukiso,Y.;Namiki,T.;Nishimur,S.;Takeyama,K.
- Korean J. Pharm. v.22 Effects of diallyl disulfide on the hepatic glutathione peroxidase activity in rat Huh,K.;Lee,S.I.;Park,J.M.
- 고대환경연구소지 마늘이 rat의 Cd중독에 미치는 영향 김성기;배은상;차철환
- Acta Pharmacol. Toxicol. v.39 Mobilization of methylmercury in vivo and in vitro using N-acetyl DL-penicillamine and other complexing agents Aaseth,J.
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- Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.30 Effect of cystine, selenium, and fish protein on the toxicity and metabolism of methylmercury in rats Stillings,B.R.;Lagally,H.;Bauersfeld,P.;Soares,J.
- Selenium v.2 Food and vutrition encyclopedia Ensminger,A.H.;Ensminger,M.E.;Konlande,J.E.;Roboson,R.K.
- Environ. Health Perspect v.25 Modification of methymercury toxicity and metabolism by selenium and vitamin E : Possible mechanism Ganthor,H.E.
- Science v.175 Selenium relation to decreased toxicity of methylmercury added to diets containing tuna Ganther,H.E.;Goudie,G.;Sunde,M.L.;Kopecky,M.J.;Wagner,P.;Oh,S.H.;Hoekstra,W.G.
- Selenium in biology and medicine Selenium and heavy metal toxicity Whanger,P.D.
- 한국영양식량학회지 v.22 양파즙 투여가 rat 납독성에 미치는 영향 서화중;임현지;정두례
- Mercury in the environment Friberg,L.;Vostal,J.
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- Nutritional toxicology "Mercury" v.1 Hathcock,J.N.
- J. Occup. Med. v.2 Mercury toxicity from industrial exposure. A critical review of the literature Battigolli,M.C.
- Text book of medicine Beeson,P.B.;McDermott,W.;Wyngaardon,J.B.
- 실험생화학 한국생화학회
- Toxicology(2nd ed.) Casarett,L.J.;Doull,J.
- 근대 통계학의 이론과 실제 정영진
- Food and nutrition encyclopedia v.1 Ensminger,A.H.;Ensminger,M.E.;Konlande,J.E.;Robson,R.K.
- 환경독성학회지 v.3 Rat에 대한 PCB독성에 미치는 α-tocopherol과 perilla oil의 효과 최경현;김문석;황두환;문재규;김성오
- 한국독성학회지 v.1 납의 면역독성에 미치는 인삼의 영향 김휘배;안영근;김주영;문재규
- Indian J. Med. Res. v.69 Hypocholesterolaemic effect of garlic Agusti,K.T.
- Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.24 Studies on the toxicity of hexachlorophene in the rat Nakau,H.S.;Dost,F.N.;Buhler,D.R.
- Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.25 The effects of food restriction on hematology. Clinical chemistry and pathology in the albino rat Schwartz,E.;Tomaben,J.A.;Boxill,G.C.
- Lab. Anim. Care v.19 Normal biological values for Long Evans rats Kozma,C.K.;Weisbroth,S.H.;Stratman,S.L.;Conejeros,M.
- 독성학 김영향
- Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.8 Compendium of normal blood values of laboratory animals with indication of variations. 1. Random-sexed populations of small animals Burn,K.F.;Delannoy,C.W.
- Bull. Am. Soc. Vet. Clin. Pathol. v.2 Certain hematologic and blood chemical in Charles CD albino rats Vondruska,J.F.;Greco,R.A.
- Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.28 The sensitivity of function tests in detecting liver damage in the rat Cutler,M.G.
- Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. v.29 Effect on cadmium toxicity of substances influencing reticulo-endothelial activity Lazar,G.;Serra,D.;Tuchweber,B.
- Lab. Anim. Sci. v.21 Serum chemistry and hematological values for axenic(germfree) and environmentally associated inbred rats Burns,K.F.;Timmons,E.H.;Poiley,S.M.
- Z. Versuchstierkd v.13 Hamatologische standard-werte bei der weiblichen und mannlichen ratte(Sprague Dawley) Hebold,V.G.;Bleuel,H.
- Toxicology(2nd ed.) Casaret,L.T.;Doull,J.