Fourier 급수전걔를 이용한 부분적으로 유체가 채워진 원통형 셸의 고유진동 해석

Fourier Series Expansion Method for Free Vibration Analysis of a Partially Liquid-Filled Circular Cylindrical Shell

  • 정경훈 (한국원자력연구소, 연자로 기계분야) ;
  • 이성철 (전북대학교 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


An analytical method for nautral frequencies of a partially liquid- filled circular cylindrical shell with various boundary conditions is developed by means of the Stokes's transformation and Fourier series expansion on the basis of Sanders' shell equation. The liquid-shell coupled system is divided into two regions for convenient formulation. One is the empty shell region in which the Sanders' shell equations are formulated without the lipuid effect, the other is wetted shell region in which the shell equations are formulated with consideration of the liquid dynamic effect. The shell equations for each regions are combined by the geometry and the force continuities at the junction of the two regions. For the vibration relevant to the liquid motion, the velocity potential of liquid is assumed as a sum of linear combination of suitable harmonic functions in axial direction. The unknown parameters are selected to satisfy the boundary condition along the wetted shell surface. The natural frequencies of the liquid filled cylindraical shells with the clamped- free and the clamped-clamped boundary conditions examined in the previous works, are obtained by this analytical method. The results are compared with the previous works, and excllent agreement is found for the natural frequencies of the shells.



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  2. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.122 no.3 Free Vibration Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks R.K.Gupta;G.L.Hutchinson
  3. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering v.33 Free Vibration of Axisymmetric and Beam-Like Cylindrical Shells, Partially Filled with Liquid A.A.Lakis;M.Sinno
  4. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Flow Induced Vibrations, International Conference, IMechE 1991-6 A Study of Cylindrical Shell Vibrations in Fluid J.R.Maguire
  5. Computers and Structures v.44 no.1/2 The Collocation Method for Analyzing Free Vibration of Shells of Revolution with Either Internal or External Fluids T.Mikami;J.Yoshimura
  6. Boundary Element X, Volume 1 ; Mathematical and Computational Aspects Fluid-Structure Coupling Boundary Element Method for Analyzing Free Vibration of Axisymmetric Thick-Walled Tanks Y.Y.Huang;S.K.Wang;W.M.Cheng;C.A.Brebbia(Ed.)
  7. 소음진동공학회지 v.4 no.2 Fourier 급수전개를 이용한 유체로 가득 채워진 원동형 셸의 자유진동해석 정경훈;이성철
  8. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.74 no.3 Free Vibration Analysis of Circular Cylindrical Shells H.Chung
  9. The Mechanics of Vibrations of Cylindrical Shells Stefan Markus
  10. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.145 no.1 Orthogonality of Wet Modes in Coupled Vibrations of Cylindrical Shells Containing Liquids Y.Y.Huang
  11. Numerical Recipes - The Art of Scientific Computing W.H.Press;B.P.Flannery;S.A.Teukolsky;W.T.Vetterling