초파리에서 전홍선자극 호르몬 유사 유전자의 재조합

Isolation of Small Prothoracicotropic Hormone-Like Gene in Drosophila mefanoguster

  • Ki Wha Chung (Department of Molecular Biology and Research Center for Celf Differentiotion, Seoul National Uniuersity, Seoul 151-742, Korea) ;
  • Huu (Department of Biology, Hangnung Nationol University, Kongnung 210-702, Korea, Department of Biology and Research Center for Cell Differentiation, Seoul Notional University, Seoul 151-742, Korea)
  • 발행 : 1994.01.01


The prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) produced by the neurosecretory cells in insects is involved in molting and metamorphosis by activating the prothoracic frins) glands to secrete ecdysone (or related ecdvsteroidsl. In the present study, the small PTTH-like gene was isolated by screening of CDNA library using the bombvxin (corresponding to small PTTH in Bombvx moril gene probe in Drosophilo melonogaster. It showed 50-6096 sequence homology to bombyxin gene. The expression patterns of this gene showed developmental stage- and tissue-dependent manners. The mRNA was detected only in the late third instar larval-prepupa which is stases showing the highest hormonal activity to secrete ecdysteroids, and detected in the brain pan of the Isle third instar lanrae.
