의수제어를 위한 인체학습시스템에 관한 연구

A Study on Human Training System for Prosthetic Arm Control

  • 발행 : 1994.12.01


This study is concerned with a method which helps human to generate EMG signals accurately and consistently to make reliable design samples of function discriminator for prosthetic arm control. We intend to ensure a signal accuracy and consistency by training human as a signal generation source. For the purposes, we construct a human training system using a digital computer, which generates visual graphes to compare real target motion trajectory with the desired one, to observe EMG signals and their features. To evaluate the effect which affects a feature variance and a feature separability between motion classes by the human training system, we select 4 features such as integral absolute value, zero crossing counts, AR coefficients and LPC cepstrum coefficients. We perform a experiment four times during 2 months. The experimental results show that the hu- man training system is effective for accurate and consistent EMG signal generation and reduction of a feature variance, but is not correlated for a feature separability, The cepstrum coefficient is the most preferable among the used features for reduction of variance, class separability and robustness to a time varing property of EMG signals.



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  2. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Int. Conference of the IEEE EMBS Probabilistic Neural Pattern Classifier and Muscle Force Estimation Y.G.Jang;S.H.Hong(et al.)
  3. Proceedings JTC-CSCC '94 A Study on the Fuzzy Controller for Prosthesis Arm Control using EMG Signals Y.G.Jang;S.H.Hong
  4. IEEE Trans on BME v.29 no.6 EMG pattern analysis and classification for a Prosthetic arm G.N.Saridis(et al.)
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  11. 대한전자 공학회 논문지 v.27 no.2 LPC 켑스트럼 계수를 이용한 EMG신호의 기능인식에 관한 연구 박상희(등)
  12. IEEE Trans on BME v.35 no.4 The Electromyogram(EMG) as a control signal for Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation-Part Ⅰ: Autoregressive Modelling as a Means of EMG Signature Discrimination Gisela Hefftner(et al.)