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- 華蓋散이 Guinea pig의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 金聖炫
- 半瓜丸이 Guinea pig의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 盧丞錫
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- Physid. Pflugers Arch,ges.
- BR.J.Pharmac. v.91 The obligatory role of calciumIn the development of antigen-induced airway hyperreactivity to cold provocation in the rat isolated trachea chand, N.;Diamantis, W.;Sofig, R.D.
- Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Krupp chatton werdegar
- Br.J.Pharmacol. Pharmacological modulation of response of guinea pig airway contracted with arachidonic acid Burka, John F.
- Prostaglandins Immunological and nonimmunological synthesis and release of prostaglandins and thromboxanes from isolated guinea-pig tracheas Burka, J.F.;Ali, M.;Mcdomald, J.W.P.;Paterson, N.A.M.
- Leukotrienes C4 and D4 Br.J.Pharmac. Meditors of arachidonic acid-induced contractions of indomethacin-treated guinea-pig airway Burka, J.F.;saad, M.H.
- Prostaglandins v.28 Metabolism of arachidonic acid by 5-lipoxy genase in guinea-pig lung Burka, J.F.;saad, M.H.
- Am.Rev. Respir.Dis. v.130 Indomethacin inhibits the airway hyperresponsiveness but not the newtrophil influx by ozone in dogs. O'Byrne, P.M.;Walters, E.H.;Aizawa, H.A.;Fabbri, L.M.;Holtzman, M.J.;Nadel, J.A.
- J.cyclic nucleotide Res. v.8 Endothelium-induced relaxation by acetylcholine associ ated with larger rises in cyclic GMP in coronary arterial strips. Holtzmann,s
- Fed.Proc. v.43 Relation of rabbitaorrta by light is associated with an increase in cycle GMP(Abstract). Furchott, R.F.;Jothianandan, D.
- Statistical Methods Sendecor, G.H.;Cochran, W.G.
- Airway epithelium and bronchial reactivity can J. Physiol. Pharmacol. v.65 Vanhoutte, P.M.