우황포용환(牛黃抱龍丸)과 우황포용환(牛黃抱龍丸) 거(去) 주사석웅황(朱砂石雄黃)의 항경련작용(抗痙攣作用) 및 Hg, As의 간(肝).신장(腎臟)에의 축적(蓄積)에 대(對)한 비교연구(比較硏究)

Comparative Study on Effects of WPH and WPHCR on the anticonvulsive action and Accumulation of Hg & AS in Organ of ICR Mice

  • 김윤희 (대전대 부속한방병원 소아과) ;
  • 이한철 (대전대 한의과대학)
  • 발행 : 1994.12.05


The Study was performed on the anticonvulsive effects of Woohwangporyonghwan(WPH) and Woohwangporyonghwan except CINNABARIS and REALGAR(WPHCR) in ICR mice pretreated with strychnine, picrotoxin, and caffeine as convulsive agents, and also was done on the accumulation of Hg & AS in organs of ICR mice by ICP hydride generation method. The results were obtained as follows: 1. WPH and WPHCR group showed significant effect in delaying the onset of convulsion induced by strichine, but time to death was effective only in WPHCR group. 2. WPH and WPHCR group were significantly effective in delaying convulsion induced by picrotoxin, and time to death. 3. The anticonvulsive effect of WPH and WPHCR group was not found convulsion induced by caffeine. 4. The accumulation of Hg, AS in liver and kidney of ICR mice was not determined below 50ng/g and below 80ng/g respectively. From the above results it could be concluded that WPH and WPHCR group were effective in the convulsions induced by strychnine and picrotoxin, although the accumulation of Hg & As in liver and kidney was not proved, further study might be necessary to prove the drug safety of WPH included CINNABARIS and REALGAR.



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  8. 大韓韓醫學會報 v.14 加味釣藤飮의 抗痙攣作用에 關한 實驗的 硏究 金德坤
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  27. 大韓韓方小兒科學會誌 v.1 牛黃抱龍丸이 Rat 및 mouse의 解熱 鎭痛 鎭痙作用에 미치는 影響 元鍾勳
  28. 大韓韓方小兒科學會誌 v.7 牛黃抱龍丸 去 雄黃朱砂方 및 生料四物湯 의 抗알레르기에 關한 實驗的 硏究 崔彰奎
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  63. 大韓內科學會雜誌 v.23 丸藥服用에 在한 水銀中毒症 1例 정우진(외)
  64. 病理學 大韓病理學會(編)
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  70. 衛生試驗法 注解 日本藥學會
  71. 중앙의학 v.22 농약으로 인한 환경오염과 그 피해대책에 관한 연구 권숙표(외)
  72. 藥理誌 v.81 Oxatomide (KW~4354) 의 藥理作用(第5報) 大森健守(외)
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  76. Analyst v.113 Measurement of stable isotopes of bromine in biological fluids with inductively coupled Plasma mass spectrometry Janghobani, M.;Davis, T.A.;Ting, R.T.G.
  77. Anal. Chem. v.58 Inductive1y coupled plasma mass spectrometry applied to isotopic analysis of iron in human fecal matter Ting, B.T.G.;Janghorbany, M.
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