An account book of medical treatment is a form of collection materials for diagnostic standardization, and it is a basis of standardization, standardization of medical records is a preconsideration of each standardization. But an account book of medical treatment is only a kind of form for recording medical treatment, therefore standardization of medical treatment eventually holds the key to the standardization of recording charts. However until now we have gradually reformed medical records in accordance with individual characters of medical treatment, and didn't have even standard sheme of medical records, also medical terms for medical records had an inconsistency of redescription and reiterative representation for an identical terms in all parts of the East learning, medical terms for medical records didn't unity. To make better this realities, standardization study used orginated system in the process of existing study, it can get ready the basis of discussion between O.M.D and O.M.D. it can make analysis of diagnostic course and can clearly understand usable information by diagnostic course. for that reason we hope that the basis of standardization is accomplished. And in advance of study for this standardization we have to analysis the course of medical treatment with demonstration of roof, first of all we have to study term definition by diagnostic course and prepare basis by diagnostic course. because this study have limits of indivisual study, it needs to long and synthetic investigation in Association levels. Although we cann't completely alternate with methods of measurement which relyed on individual mastery, if we exclude erroes of individual measurement through mechanization and verify results of diagnosis through keynotes, we can realize standardization of medical treatment with demonstration of proof and in this process we can use medical records as a tool collecting exact data, also we can realize standardization of drawing up medical records.