Applied Biological Chemistry
- Volume 37 Issue 1
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- Pages.25-29
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- 1994
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- 2468-0834(pISSN)
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- 2468-0842(eISSN)
The diastereoselective synthesis of 2-methyl-5(S)-hexanolide
Carpenter bee pheromone의 2-methyl-5(S)-hexanolide의 부분 입체선택적 합성
- Chang, Jay-Hyok (Department of Food and biotechnology, Yonsei University) ;
- Lee, Sang-Jun (Department of Food and biotechnology, Yonsei University) ;
Kim, Jung-Han
(Department of Food and biotechnology, Yonsei University)
- Published : 1994.02.28
2-methyl-5(S)-hexanolide(1); the major component of pheromonal blend of the male carpenter bee was synthesized via Homer-Emmons reaction from Ethyl(S)-3-hydroxybutyrate(2a) which had been obtained by Baker's Yeast reduction in overall yield 39%.
Ethyl acetoacetate를 빵효모가 환원해 생산한 ethyl-(S)-3-hydroxy-butyrate(2a)를 키 랄 출발물질로 하여 수목에 피해를 끼치는 해충인 carpenter bee의 수컷이 분비하는 성 페로몬인 cis-2-methyl-5-hexanolide(1)을 diastereomer로 합성하였다. 역합성적 분석을 통한 합성계획으로부터 T-Goal로 Wittig반응을 잡고 출발물질을 환원하여 얻은 알데히드 4와 triethyl 2-phosphonopropionate(7)을 Horner-Emmons반응시켜