한국약용작물학회지 (Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science)
- 제2권1호
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- Pages.32-37
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- 1994
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- 1225-9306(pISSN)
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- 2288-0186(eISSN)
자호(紫胡)의 종자조건(種子條件), 등숙기문(登熟期問) 및 저온층적처리(低溫層積處理)가 발아(發芽)에 미치는 영향(影響)
Effect of Seed Condition, Grain Filling Period and Cold Stratification Treatment on Germination of Bupleurum falcatum L.
Chung, Hae-Gon
(Medicinal Crops Division, Crop Experiment Station, RDA) ;
Seong, Nak-Sul
(Medicinal Crops Division, Crop Experiment Station, RDA) ;
- Chae, Jae-Cheon (Coll. of Agri., Dankook Univ.)
- 발행 : 1994.03.31
본 연구는 시호 종자를 파종했을 때 발아율이 낮고 발아 소요기간이 길어 입모확보가 문제점으로 대두되어 발아율을 향상시키고 단기(短期) 동시 발아시킬 방안을 모색하고자 시호 종자의 발아특성에 대하여 시험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 시호종자의 크기는 입경
This experiment was conducted to obtain the basic information for the increase ofgermination percent by the seed diameter, specific gravity, different grain filling period and stratification in Bupleurum falcatum seeds. The seed size of B.falcatum ranged from 2.0 to 3.9mm in diameter, The large seed showed the higher germinability, The optimum specific gravity of salt selection for seed screening was 1.05 resulting in screening out seeds with high germinability over 70%.The seeds needed grain filling period for 60 days or longer after flowering to keep high germinability The optimum period of stratification treatment to promote seed germination was about 80 days.