Grant : 비금속 및 고품위요업광물자원
Supported by : 한국과학재단
Mineralogical and geochemical studies on some pyrophyllite deposits in Milyang area, Kyeongnam Province (Milyang and Sungjin mine) were carried out in order to investigate dispersion patterns of chemical elements in altered volcanic wallrocks, and to interpret genetic environments of the pyrophyllite deposits. Cretaceous andesitic and tuffaceous rocks, and pyrophyllite ore specimens were collected from the dumps and drilling cores. Andesitic wallrocks were grouped as unaltered and altered rocks in the order of pyrophyllitization. Vertical dispersion patterns and relative mobilities of chemical elements in volcanic wallrocks were discussed. Geochemical environment in the Milyang area is characterized by the occurrence of boron minerals such as dumortierite coexisting with pyrophyllite ores, and tourmaline in granitic rocks. Unaltered andesitic rocks are mainly composed of plagioclase, pyroxene and hornblende, and were propylitized and saussuritized. Altered andesitic rocks are bleached and consist of quartz, sericite, pyrophyllite, kaolinite, chlorite and disseminated pyrite. Pyrophyllite ores are mainly composed of quartz, pyrophyllite, dumortierite, dissemianted pyrite and some diaspore. Enrichment of
Grant : 비금속 및 고품위요업광물자원
Supported by : 한국과학재단