기획의사결정을 위한 정보시스템 특성 : 기획방식에 따른 상황적응적 접근

IS Characteristics for Planning Decision Making : Contingent on Planning Modes

  • 발행 : 1993.12.31


MIS researches involve, in particular, the problems of developing appropriate IS for given MIS environments and lay emphasis on identifying prominant IS characteristics pertaining to the system in issue. This study deals with the IS characteristics for the management task of "planning". It investigates empirically the impacts of IS characteristics, under a set of proposed hypotheses, with particular respect to users' information satisfaction and performance in carrying out the task of planning. Futhermore, it examines whether the IS characteristics have different effects depending on the planning modes on the part of IS users. Based on a group of hypotheses accepted, the IS characteristics for planning decision making are not only proposed according to planning modes: preactive, reactive and proactive, but also classified into six subsystem categories: input, process, ouput, storage, interface and communication. Finally, the implications of the findings are discussed.
