The Study on the Debris Slope Landform in the Southern Taebaek Mountains

태백산맥 남부산지의 암설사면지형

  • Published : 1993.06.01


The intent of this study is to analyze the characteristics of distribution, patter, and deposits of the exposed debris slope landform by aerial photography interpretation, measure-ment on the topographical maps and field surveys in the southern part Taebaek mountains. It also aims to research the arrangement types of mountain slope and the landform development of debris slopes in this area. In conclusion, main observations can be summed up as follows. 1. The distribution characteristics 1)From the viewpoint of bedrocks, the distribution density of talus is high in case of the bedrock with high density of joints, sheeting structures and hard rocks, but that of the block stream is high in case of intrusive rocks with the talus line. 2)From the viewpoint of bedrocks, the distribution density of talus is high in case of the bedrock with high density of joints, sheeting structures and hard rocks, but that of the block stream is high in case of inrtusive rocks with the talus line. 2) From the viewpoint of distribution altitude, talus is mainly distributed in the 301~500 meters part above the sea level, while the block stream is distributed in the 101~300 meters part. 3) From the viewpoint of slope oriention, the distribution density of talus on the slope facing the south(S, SE, SW) is a little higher than that of talus on the slope facing the north(N, NE, NW). 2. The Pattern Characteristics 1) The tongue-shaped type among the four types is the most in number. 2) The average length of talus slope is 99 meters, especially that of talus composed of hornfels or granodiorite is longer. Foth the former is easy to make free face; the latter is easdy to produce round stones. The average length of block stream slope is 145 meters, the longest of all is one km(granodiorite). 3) The gradient of talus slope is 20~45${^\circ}$, most of them 26-30${^\croc}$; but talus composed of intrusive rocks is gentle. 4) The slope pattern of talus shows concave slope, which means readjustment of constituent debris. Some of the block stream slope patterns show concave slope at the upper slope and the lower slope, but convex slope at the middle slope; others have uneven slope. 3. The deposit characteristics 1) The average length of constituent debris is 48~172 centimeters in diameter, the sorting of debris is not bad without matrix. That of block stream is longer than that of talus; this difference of debris average diameter is funda-mentally caused by joint space of bedrocks. 2) The shape of constituent debris in talus is mainly angular, but that of the debris composed of intrusive rocks is sub-angular. The shape of constituent debris in block stream is mainly sub-roundl. 3) IN case dof talus, debris diameter is generally increasing with downward slope, but some of them are disordered and the debris diameter of the sides are larger than that of the middle part on a landform surface. In block stream, debris diameter variation is perpendicularly disordered, and the debris diameter of the middle part is generally larger than that of the sides on a landform surface. 4)The long axis orientation of debris is a not bad at the lower part of the slope in talus (only 2 of 6 talus). In block stream(2 of 3), one is good in sorting; another is not bad. The researcher thinks that the latter was caused by the collapse of constituent debris. 5) Most debris were weathered and some are secondly weathered in situ, but talus composed of fresh debris is developing. 4. The landform development of debris slopes and the arrangement types of the mountain slope 1) The formation and development period of talus is divided into two periods. The first period is formation period of talus9the last glacial period), the second period is adjustment period(postglacial age). And that of block stream is divided into three periods: the first period is production period of blocks(tertiary, interglacial period), the second formation period of block stream(the last glacial period), and the third adjustment period of block stream(postglacialage). 2) The arrangement types of mountain slope are divided into six types in this research area, which are as follows. Type I; high level convex slope-free face-talus-block stream-alluvial surface Type II: high level convex slope-free face-talus-alluvial surface Type III: free face-talus-block stream-all-uvial surface Type IV: free face-talus-alluval surface Type V: talus-alluval surface Type VI: block stream-alluvial surface Particularly, type IV id\s basic type of all; others are modified ones.

본 연구는 암설사면지형이 잘 발달하고 다양하게 분포하는 태백산맥의 남부산지를 대상으로 항공 사진판독과 도상계측 및 현지조사를 통하여 노출암설사면의 분포, 형태 및 퇴적물의 특성을 분석하고 사면의 지형적 배열과 지형발달에 관해서 연구한 논문으로써 분포적 특성에 있어서는 애추의 경우 기반암이 경암이거나 절리가 잘 발달된 지질에서, 암괴류의 경우는 화강섬록암 지질에서 높은 분포밀도를 보였다. 형태적 특성은 애추, 암괴류 모두 설상이 각각 83${\%}$, 80${\%}로 가장 많았으며 지형면의 경사도에 있어서는 애추가, 길이에 있어서는 암괴류가 각각 우세했다. 퇴적물의 특성중 암설의 평균입경은 암괴류가 보다 크게 나타났다. 한 지형면에서 암설의 장축방향성의 경우 방향성 있는 경우와 없는 경우가 있는데, 후자는 지형면상의 함몰로 그 방향성이 상실된 것으로 보인다. 끝으로 지형발달의 경우, 애추는 암석낙하(rock fall)에 의한 형성기(최종빙기)와 2차적인 영역에 의한 조정기(후빙기)로 암괴류는 암괴의 생성기(제3가 또는 제 4기의 간빙기), 암괴류의 형성기(최종빙기), 조정기(후빙기)로 구분할 수 있었다. 그리고 산지 사면의 배열유형은 6가지 유형으로 분류되었다.
