Structure-Activity Relationship Study on Cephalosporins with Mechanism-based Descriptors

  • Jun-Ho Choi (Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University) ;
  • Hojing Kim (Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1993.10.20


The polarizability and the transition state energy of a cephalosporin are assumed to be theoretical indices of the permeability through the outer membrane and of reactivity of ${\beta}$ -lactam ring with penicillin binding proteins, respectively, in Gram-negative bacteria. They are computed by AM1 method and used as variables of quantitative structure-activity relationship study. The results justify quadratic dependence of the activity on the variables. The intersection of difference volumes between $\beta-lactamase$ stable cephalosporins and unstable ones manifests that the steric hindrance of 7-side chain is responsible for the ${\beta}$ -lactamase stability.



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